1. Loved the exerpt!! Would love to read the whole book. I will see if I win, and if not, will have to order it!!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  2. Wasn't sure when the release date was~thanks for the info. You would know, huh? :o) Hope kick off week is fabulous! Best wishes~& of course, I would lalalalove a copy too!

    Jen P.

  3. I know so many people who need to read this. Hope I get picked! Also, can’t wait to see pictures of Elias in the sweat pea costume! 🙂

    ~Amanda Strayer

  4. Oh, yay! I’m so excited about the book coming out. I meant to pre-order it, but I thought maybe, just maybe, I would try this first! I just got the bookmarks to pass out. I’m very exxxcited.

    PS – Your son looks so adorable in the pictures with the pumpkins 🙂

  5. AHHHHHHHH, after reading the excerpt, I HAVE to read the book!!
    Seems as though Matt did a great job on the book from what I read!
    Blessings to your day!

  6. Love your blog and churched sounds like a great book. Would love a copy….Have a great week. Im a blog lurker from Texas. Found your blog from Angies blog.

  7. Would love to read the book… all I read is text books this time of year! 🙁 I absolutely love your blog, I check it several times a day hoping for new pics of the precious little man!!!

  8. I would love a copy as I have quickly become addicted to his writings on his blog (and yours also).

  9. Interesting sounding book. It is through provoking for sure. I’m wondering how the book will go after reading your post today.

  10. I just discovered your blog a few days ago through another one I read. Your husband’s book sounds funny, interesting, and something that several people will be able to relate to.

    Laura Peters

  11. This blog is a blessing. I am an avid scrapbooker and love reading your tips. I would love to read a copy of your husbands book “Churched”

  12. My husband already pre-ordered the book but it would be great to have an autographed copy! Then we could both read it at the same time, and then give one away.

    BTW, my husband was brought up in a Southern Baptist home, and I know he’s going to be able to really relate to Matthew’s experiences in Churched. And that it seems to be quite humurous will be perfect for my often sarcastic hubbie. 🙂

  13. I am really looking forward to reading this book. I have enjoyed both yours and Matthews blog for the past few months.

  14. Thanks Jessica, for your awesome blogging! I would love a copy of the book! It looks really awesome!


  15. It would be fantastic to receive a free copy of Churched but even if I don’t I will continue to pray that all goes well with the release and subsequent engagements. I enjoy reading both of your blogs and often times find a big grin or a belly laugh when I do. I admire your passion and peace.

  16. I’ve just started reading your Blog and would LOVE to have a copy of your husband’s book. He sounds so incredibly funny. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to win an autographed copy:0)

  17. i preordered it, but would love to win one. i’d do a give away on my blog to give one away. can’t wait for my preordered one to arrive. got the shipment notice this morning.

    oh and how cute is that photo of elias in the pumpkins?!

  18. Ohhh Sweet Jesus let me win :D, I live in Dominican Republic and is so hard to get a copy, I could order it online, but post office here shucks (and is difficult to order that way 🙁 anyways if I dont win, I plan on ordering to a PoBox in the States that will deliver it to the caribbean :p

  19. I’d like a copy of the book.

    Do you have a Banner or Button that we can copy and put on our blog that links back to Matthew’s blog or a message about the book?

    Word of mouth (err, Word of Blog?)is a great promoter!

  20. I would love a copy of this book. All the reviews and excerpts I’ve read are making it a must read for me!

  21. Great exerpt! Can definitely relate due to having an SB background myself. :o) Enjoy your blog too! Leigh Anne

  22. Hey there, I was hooked, I had to go finish reading the other prelude you linked to.
    I would love a copy 🙂

  23. Well, since I went to Barns and Noble Thursday night and tried to buy the book only to find out it would not be out until Tuesday. They said they would give me a call when it came in maybe I wouldn’t have to go back if you gave me one!! 🙂 🙂

  24. I’ve enjoyed your blog for quite awhile – don’t know quite why either since I’m not into scrapbooking! But I’m a faithful reader and I’m a faithful reader that likes free stuff. 🙂

  25. both you and Matthew are great writers. I work in a Christian bookstore and stumbled on my first MPT book Provacative Faith and have been making my way down his list of books. I love following both of your blogs. Your son is adorable. I love following his story. My first nephew is just a month older than he is. Anyway, would love love love to win a copy of the new book! thanks



  26. The excerpt definately left me wanting to find out what happens! I’ll read the book whether I win or have to buy it myself! hahaha

  27. Got my book marks on Saturday and have been handing them out! I would love to win a copy of the book! Thanks!

  28. Hi Jessica. I *almost* forgot I signed up for the churched group on facebook, but saw it the other day and found my way to your blog. I would love a chance to read Matthew’s book. Elias is absolutely adorable by the way! Congrats!

  29. Love your blog and getting to know your precious family! Just reading the prelude has left me wanting to read more! I hope I win a copy, but if I don’t I will purchase one! 🙂

  30. Matthew is one of my favorite authors
    I love your blog..it takes me back 20 years to when I had my children :^)

  31. Thank you for your “true side.” By that I mean that along with your blog and Angie’s, I have been able to find out who I really am and not who people think I should be! Thank you!!!

  32. I enjoy reading your husband’s blog as well as yours 🙂 Based upon his musings on his blog, I’m sure I’d like his book!

  33. I love to check your blog for new pics of Elias. He is so stinkin’ cute! I hope the book sells well. I would love to be in the contest too. Thanks.

  34. Jessica,
    I am so excited to read Churched! I’ve read the reviews and it sounds just like something I would enjoy! I love keeping up with your adorable family–and getting scrapbooking tips to boot!

  35. I found your blog through Angie’s (who I found through another friend who follows her blog) and you have inspired me to pick up scrapbooking again! And the book sounds great!

  36. Congratulations to Matthew (and to you!) Can’t even imagine how excited you guys are! I enjoy your blog so much, and the book sounds great!

  37. As a new blogger myself,I am in the learing phase and I LOVE reading your blog. Find it entertaining and fun. I do hope all goes well with the launch and I will definitely be looking out for a copy in SA!

  38. I enjoyed the sample of his writing. The cover of the book is wonderful! Please enter my name in your generous giveaway drawing. Many thanks, Cindi

  39. My brother is a pastor and we were both brought up in The Church. My husband STILL can’t wrap his brain around why I never listened to “so and so”, because my mom wouldn’t let me listen to secular music! 😉

    anyway… would love to read this book and pass it on to my brother.

    I bet your house is buzzing with excitement this Tuesday morning!

  40. I think this book will just be what we all need…I can’t wait to read it, it sounds like a great mix of the funny things in life, with a great message behind it…Also, I love the pumpkin picture…Too cute!

  41. I have been patiently waiting for the book to come out…even if I don’t win one, I’m going to buy one! Congratulations!


  42. Hey Jessica,

    I got the bookmarks yesterday. I am hoping to get to Borders today. I can’t wait to read it. But if someone happens to pull my name out of a hat that would be great to. My daughter took a bunch of bookmarks to church last night(it’s revival) she came home with some of the bookmarks, but some even more wonderful news… Last night she accepted Jesus into her heart. Yay. I am so excited. Anyway, I’m sorry, I just had to get that off my chest this morning. I am sure you guys will hit 1,000 today. Love the punkin pic. Have a great day.

  43. Still in time to get in the drawing for a free copy. What an exciting day for you and family-thanks for sharing it with us!

  44. I started reading Matthew's Books about 6 mos ago. So far I've read The Coffeehouse Gospel & Hokey Pokey. (2 books in 6 mos! I know kinda pathetic, but I have a 2 year old 🙂
    I got my bookmarks Sat. and I've started distributing them across Dickson! I'm so excited. Churched – here I come!

  45. I loved the piece from the book! I am definitely getting Churched! I can’t wait to read it! Thanks for sharing!

  46. I’m planning to buy one today but would love an extra copy to lend out…starting with my sister!

    Can’t wait to get my hands on the book!

    Pamela in TX

  47. Oh – pick me, pick me! I love books, especially those about Jesus that aren’t stuffy! Way to go Matthew!

  48. Just read the excerpt from Churched, and could totally relate…having been “born again” every summer during my childhood while at summer camp. I would love to read Churched as I am sure my husband would also.

  49. Found your blog through Angie’s. I find you and your husband both hilarious. Because of that, I HAD to order one of his earlier books–Provocative Faith. Love it. I would love to read Churched as well. Thanks for the great giveaway. The photo of Elias with the pumpkins turned out adorable by the way!
    Jen B.

  50. I would LOVE a copy of this book…my sister and I have a long distance book club going on and i know we would both love to read Churched!!!

    Good luck with the book sales, I will definitely be buying one from Amazon if I don’t win one here 😉

  51. Okay I’ve never done this before (try to get a giveaway on a blog) but after reading part of the book on the blog I really want to read this book. Hmmm maybe I can get our churches book store to carry it. Hadn’t thought of that. Really like what I say of Matt’s writing.

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