1. A sweet pea!!! How fun!! My son was a peapod for his first Halloween last year too. He was a doll and I am sure Elias will be too!!

  2. awww…I can’t wait to see pics of that adorable sweet pea!! I will be praying for the childcare situation. I wish I was there to watch him. 🙁 OH well. lol

    Love ya, Dani

  3. Get a sling or other baby-wearing carrier – they are a lifesaver for the ones who don’t like to be put down. You can be hands-free and he can be happy.

  4. I am normally a lurker, not a commenter. But you HAVE to get a baby carrier or a sling. They are a lifesaver. My son was the same way and I would have never had a clean dish or piece of clothing if I wouldn’t have invested in a baby carrier. They are a wonderful.

  5. OMG I cant wait to see those pics, how much is he weighting, my godson was born 1 week after Elias and we had the hardest time looking for a custome, we ended up buying a dog one, lol 😛

  6. Hi Jessica,

    I contacted you a LONG while back about our strange connection to a certain Dan P. from Wisconsin (I dated him my freshman year of college and he always spoke EXTREMELY highly of you)…anyhoo, I have been keeping up with Angie Smith’s blog and JUST figured out that you guys are friends! What a stinkin’ small world!
    I’m married now and also have a son. He was born 4/20/08. Best of luck to you guys with this new book!

    Rachel Boldman

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