Just the Two of Us
Matthew is out of town again this weekend, but then he will be home for a few weeks before his big Lord Save Us tour. He is going to be gone A LOT at the end of the month and most of November, so be praying that we get childcare figured out. You may remember that normally Matthew takes care of Elias while I work on Thursdays and Fridays – with him on the road, we will need to find other care for the peanut. My mom is coming for a week and Matthew’s mom is going to come down another week, so that will really help.
With him out of town this weekend, I am trying to tackle a little housework. Elias is really into being held almost every waking moment, which makes things kind of difficult! He is napping right now, so I should be dusting, but here I am blogging. 🙂 Nice, huh?
I finished Ali’s week in the life challenge last night. I had a lot of fun taking pictures all week long. Here is one of my faves:
My sister and her boyfriend Dan are coming for a visit this week Wednesday – Monday, and I am so excited. We are going to take Elias to this pumpkin patch and go to my church’s fall festival, which includes a costume parade! Guess what Elias is going to be for Halloween?
A sweet pea.
And, oh my word, he looks ADORABLE in his costume. The pictures are going to be out of control. You are going to die when you see him. Pretty much, the cutest baby ever, if I do say so myself.
Well, Elias is snoring now, so I better take advantage of this quiet time. Have a great weekend.
A sweet pea!!! How fun!! My son was a peapod for his first Halloween last year too. He was a doll and I am sure Elias will be too!!
awww…I can’t wait to see pics of that adorable sweet pea!! I will be praying for the childcare situation. I wish I was there to watch him. 🙁 OH well. lol
Love ya, Dani
Get a sling or other baby-wearing carrier – they are a lifesaver for the ones who don’t like to be put down. You can be hands-free and he can be happy.
I am normally a lurker, not a commenter. But you HAVE to get a baby carrier or a sling. They are a lifesaver. My son was the same way and I would have never had a clean dish or piece of clothing if I wouldn’t have invested in a baby carrier. They are a wonderful.
OMG I cant wait to see those pics, how much is he weighting, my godson was born 1 week after Elias and we had the hardest time looking for a custome, we ended up buying a dog one, lol 😛
Hi Jessica,
I contacted you a LONG while back about our strange connection to a certain Dan P. from Wisconsin (I dated him my freshman year of college and he always spoke EXTREMELY highly of you)…anyhoo, I have been keeping up with Angie Smith’s blog and JUST figured out that you guys are friends! What a stinkin’ small world!
I’m married now and also have a son. He was born 4/20/08. Best of luck to you guys with this new book!
Rachel Boldman