1. OK…that is pretty funny! But, Elias is no match yet for Amelia’s screaming fit in Target. 🙂

  2. This video is perfect. I can’t wait to read the book and I received the bookmarks – happy promoting!

    Many Thanks,
    Abby Vostad
    Baltic, SD

  3. Got my package (Wisconsin) in the mail today! I’d “just” gotten back from one of my ‘coffee haunts’ too! Oh, well…they’ll get dropped there, the next time!
    The YouTube thing is very cute!!

  4. I am so excited Jessica. I received my two copies of Matthew’s book for the review/giveaway week AND I received my book marks today.
    I am loving the book and looking forward to the review on my blog along with the giveaway.
    Also, looking forward to your promotion week next week.
    It’s going to be great!!!!
    Cindy ~ Phoenix

  5. hey jessica-
    really looking forward to getting to know you better. your site is fantastic and your artwork is amazing.

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