Quick Update
- Nana is still in the hospital. They are doing an echo-cardiogram this morning to check her heart to maybe determine if something happened, and that is why she fell (she doesn’t remember how or where she fell). Please pray for wisdom.
- Elias slept through the night for the first time in three days. (10-5:30) Poor baby woke up coughing like crazy and very congested. The bulb syringe and mommy’s milk did the trick and he fell back asleep around 6:45. Sweet baby. We are taking him to the pediatrician this afternoon. Pray for more wisdom.
- Thanks for all the comments and emails. I have a long list of things to ask the pediatrician. I am a HUGE Wisconsin dairy girl, but decided last week to cut out milk out of my diet. I have gone 5 or 6 days without it (except for one little slip up). I decided last night to cut ALL dairy products. This is going to be really hard for me, but Elias is worth it. Added benefit – I will probably lose more of this baby weight I am still carrying around.
- Read this great interview with Matthew about churched.
I will keep you all posted!
I also had to cut out all milk from my diet to try to ease my youngest baby’s allergies. It was very difficult but like you said very worth it so I could nurse her. I hope that it will help. There are also some medicine he could be put on like Zyrtec that could also help him.
I hope something helps because I know it is hard to watch your baby be sick and not know how to help.
I just got all caught up on your posts. It has been such a busy weekend so far that I have not had any spare time to check-in!
I just LOVE the pumpkin patch pictures and no…you are not a terrible mom for loving the crying shots! I have a pic of my son at 6 weeks crying so hard because my sis and I were trying to get a good picture of him for his birth announcements. I ended up framing that one 🙂
Your nana is in my prayers and so are you guys as you muddle through Elias not feeling well and also through the mess of getting your kitchen back in order!
I hope the pediatrician has some good ideas for you. And before I ask this, I’m going to acknowledge that it is probably the stupidest question on the planet (showing my ignorance as a non-mom): is it a dairy allergy that everyone is referring to or a lactose thing that affects the baby? Because there are all sorts of lactose free milks and cheeses out there. Again, probably dumb question but thought I’d ask it anyway 🙂
I hope things with your Nana go well and that she’s not in pain from her fall. Keeping all of the above in my prayers.
I had to cut out dairy also. It’s been close to two months now… You probably should try cutting out soy too. Soy protein and dairy protein are very similar. Cecilia reacts horribly when I eat soy. (It’s hidden in a lot of products – especially nutrition bars.) It’s made a huge difference, especially in Cecilia’s poops. However, my exclusively bf’ed baby poops 4-7 times a day.
Wow no milk. Man that sucks. Get it- nursing sucks…
Sorry people I am on my 3rd cup of ceoffee. 🙂
Loved the pictures! I too am a Anne fan and love her shots.
Have a great week.
I have recommended this before and will do so again…the book Disease Proof Your Child by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. He also has a web site diseaseproofyourchild.com
Hey,I’ve read your blog for a while, but this is my first comment. I just wanted to encourage you on your “no dairy” diet. I experienced the same and also cut out any corn products, including corn starch, which seems to be in EVERYTHING. Be warned…many processed foods have hidden dairy ingredients (foods you would never expect). My doc said the best way to avoid them is eat fresh foods as much as possible, not processed. I ate a lot of brown rice with veggies stir fried in them. Fresh pears were also a favorite. My fav sweet treat was always a toasted english muffin with Smart Balance “butter” and honey. But, you have to make sure the english muffin doesn’t have milk ingredients in it because most bread does. The Meijer original brand does not, so I always stocked up on those! I was also informed Smart Balance was the best “butter” to use. It still has a small milk ingredient, but it is very minimal. I hope this helps in some way. If not, just disregard…I’m sure many people are giving you their best “advice.” 🙂 If you have any questions for me, you can e-mail at katie_sa17@yahoo.com. Have a blessed day.
So why is it that some breastfeeding mothers stop drinking milk and other dairy products? I have a week an a half year old and am breastfeeding…what benefits come from this kind of diet?
Definatley be praying for your Nana!
and those pictures of Elias are ADORABLE! I may just have to copy your idea!!