1. LOL, I was going to email Angie last night when I saw the SNL “bald men” joke!!

    Elias is one seriously cute baby. Really. Love that he’s found his thumb!

  2. I love that Todd made it on SNL. Now he really is famous!

    oh Jess. i love the pic of elias on your facebook page with the pumpkins. So cute.

  3. Your little man is the cutest!!! Also, hilarious about SNL…I’m going to have to go watch that!!! I watched Todd that night, I was even nervous watching!!~reader from Koxville;)

  4. I’ve missed Elias pictures too, but I did purchase Churched yesterday…so the promoting has worked for me. 🙂

  5. Good job, Grandma (it might have been weird if I, a total stranger, said there needed to be more Elias) so thanks for speaking for all of us! 🙂

    Great pictures … I love how in every photo you can practically feel the love and fun between all of you… so happy you are surround by such a great support system… and that they get to have you!

    Have a great day…

  6. Auntie Sissy is absolutely gorgeous !

    And, Elias….what can I say ?
    Doll Baby, Cutie, Adorable, Precious, Sweetie, Squeeze-able, Kiss-able, Hug-able….well, you get the picture and of course, you already know all these things.

    What a precious gift from God that you & Matthew have been given.

    WIth Love…..

  7. I love Elias pictures! I agree with Mom, we could always use a few more! The second one, of him stretching cracked me up for some reason, it looks like he is playing marco polo!

  8. Elias has the most expressive face, I love his face in the first one, he’s like ‘I’m such a pro at this’.

    I see you’ve managed to teach him to look straight at the camera already, very impressed!

    Your sister is absolutely stunning, good looks must run in the family!

  9. Jessica….I just had a thought when I saw Elias with his thumb….YOU had your little finger up like that always when you were sucking your thumb….Isn’t that a fun little detail to pass on…I’m sure there will be lots more 🙂 Mom

  10. love all the new pic’s!

    my son found his thumb when he was about 3 months old. he had a hard time mastering it though. it took him a good 2 or 3 weeks to figure out what to do with his other fingers but he finally did and i just think it is cutiest thing in the world. you know what the best thing is…. when i look over at him ( he will be 2 in jan. ) and he is sucking his thumb and he smiles without taking it out of his mouth, all you see this big grin behind his thumb! ah, my heart is melting……

    blessings ~

  11. Oh my goodness! My son is 2 weeks younger than Elias, and wants so badly to suck his thumb. Poor guy can not figure it out. He can’t get his thumb separated from the rest of his fingers. Elias gives me hope!

  12. I was watching the debate and thought…”hmmm, that really looks like Angie’s husband” I loved it when they showed him again on SNL….

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