1. It may just be my computer..but when I try to watch it it says that it is no longer available. 🙁 I have tried going directly to YouTube and it still won’t work.


  2. tried to click it on my computer..but when I try to watch it it says that it is no longer available. 🙁 I have tried going directly to YouTube and it still won’t work. please let me know when you fix it sure want to see your cutie pie talking

  3. Awww… that was worth waiting for! I thought of you often this weekend and was wondering how you were doing solo. 🙂 Sounds like you got a lot done!

    Elias is obviously taking after his parents in the video talking department… I can’t believe he’s rolled over! You both look great and can’t wait to see your new albums…

  4. okay it was so good to hear your voice, but better then that was chatty Elias…my most favorite sound in the world, baby gurgles 😉 so fun! thanks for sharing 😉

  5. YAY!! Def. adorable! 🙂 He is just such a cutie pie! 🙂 Thanks for sharing…you look amazing by the way. 🙂 Enjoy that cute lil feller!
    Love ya, Dani

  6. i am new to your blog. but i have to say that elias is such a little cutie. and you are just the nicest lady. i didn’t think you looked bad at all. kudos to you for getting all that scrapping done while the hubby was away! thanks for sharing!

  7. Jessica, I will echo what others have already said, You look great! Elias is getting so big…as they all do! And, what is ever planned once you have children???

    Take care and enjoy that cutie pie!

    Pamela in TX

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