1. Aw, they are both so great! It’s hard to pick one. You really are a wonderful scrapbooker. I really like the first layout, though. I think it’s because I like all of the pictures, and you have cute handwriting above them. The paper is also really well used. The first! Good luck!

  2. I love the second one but the first is precious too! I say the second, though, I think. But the first is so…no I am going with the second!

  3. Ohh tough choice, but I say the Fall Fun one. I love the paper in the background and the way the pictures are placed. Great work on both!

  4. the okay mom one is the best because it shows real life. i think the design is well balanced and i like the way the border around the picture mimics his crown. they are both pretty awesome, though. good luck!

  5. seriously hard to choose but i think i’m gonna go with the first one. =) you are so gosh darn talented. good luck.
    happy saturday!

  6. Oh man, Jess… could you have just made one a little ugly so the choice was easier?!?

    I really love them both. I feel like an undecided voter (lots of those around these days…)

    While I really love the first, for the contest I think I would go with #2 (which I realize is opposed to the other commenters). I think the title and the photo are sooo funny and the little crown is something different… and I would guess that different wins contests. But I’ve never entered a contest so what do I know???


  7. I wish I could spend a day with you for soooooo many reasons……in this instance to get some scarpbooking advice. I LOVE them both, however, I am drawn to the fall fun.

  8. they are both precious! so hard to decide. i’m with you, about liking different things about each one. if i had to choose just one i would have to pick…. fall fun!

    blessings ~

  9. oh girl so sorry I didn’t get over to you, my inlaws came and then we were busy for the rest of the day. But I would’ve totally chose Fall fun too…love the strips of paper they are so great 🙂 Good luck on the contest 🙂 hope you are having a very scrapfilled weekend 🙂

  10. I think both are great as well! But I’d vote for #1 Fall Fun for the contest because it uses a wider array of papers and really just has that extra something.

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