Elias’s Dedication
Elias was dedicated today at Cross Point. Baby dedication is different than baptism in that is a time where the parents dedicate themselves to raise their child in a Christian home and the church dedicates itself to walk alongside of and help those parents fulfill their commitment. We pray that when Elias is older he will make a commitment to follow Jesus and be baptized.
You can see the great pictures that our friend Lee took during the ceremony here.
Since Elias is not a girl, I didn’t want him to wear my family’s traditional baptismal gown that was my mom’s and then mine and my sister’s, but I did want him in something all white. (I like the pomp and circumstance of things like this.) I found the perfect outfit for him at Dillards – and the best part was that it was on clearance 75% off! Yea for great deals!
Of course, Elias decided to play with one of the buttons on his little outfit and that combined with being held caused it fall off before the ceremony started. Nice. So here are some photos of him in his cute white outfit – sans one button. 

Like most traditional dedication/baby baptism outfits, his outfit came with a little hat. Matthew says he looks like he is from the 1800s in it. We have laughed a lot over it, but for tradition’s sake, I had to put it on him for a few pictures. Here’s my favorite.

Was your child dedicated or baptized? If so, did you do a traditional outfit or a modern one? Any fun memories?

Was your child dedicated or baptized? If so, did you do a traditional outfit or a modern one? Any fun memories?
that first photo with his tongue out is the BEST!!! he was precious!
I love the pictures! Our son was dedicated same as Elias. Since my Dad is our pastor, we picked out a suit that matched one that Daddy has – dress shirt, tie, pants, and a vest. Although, poor little guy had no neck, so we had to go without the tie. My Dad, husband and our son all matched on that day.
Our children were dedicated to the Lord also. My son wore a white smocked romper with blue stitching across the top and my little girl wore an off-white dress. It was adorable! My sister being the awesome Aunt that she is, purchased both outfits.
I love Elias in his little outfit. He is adorable!
what a cutie pie! love his outfit.
i had my kids baptized. i also had thier outfits made from my wedding gown. I hated that I only got to wear it that one day and that it sat in a box, never to see daylight again. we didn't have a heirloom like you had, passed down from generations, so I decided to make my own… i did a page for the gown I had made for my daughter (you can see it here:
but I haven't created one yet for my son (and I had a boy suit made for him since my husband didn't want him in a gown – ROFL my gown WAS kinda beaded adn sparkly, so I can understand his point… even though the seamstress toned it down, he still looked a little like baby Liberace! rofl!), but you can see his outfit here on my blog: http://thearnoldfamily.typepad.com/the_arnold_family_blog/2005/10/welcomed_into_g.html
hopefully, since now I have a gown and a suit, my kids will want to use it for THIER kids… =) I'd love that!
Coming out of hiding…
My son was baptized in August. I struggled to find the perfect outfit. For my two daughters it was easy. There are so many adorable white dresses for girls. I finally found what I was looking for at Pottery Barn Kids, on SALE of course, and in solid white. I loved it. And it worked perfectly. I’ll attach a link to it.
from IOWA
Our daughter was dedicated as well and we’ll dedicate our 4 month old son soon. Lily wore a cute dress from Carter’s – white with pink trim – and a darling matching sweater. We’re not sure what Taylor will wear – still looking for that perfect outfit. Because it’s such a special day!!!
Elias looked precious! Congratulations on his Dedication Day!
He’s got such a cute smile in these pics…how can you not love it?
Jess, I love the pictures, he is becoming a little ham. The one in the hat is soooo cute. mom
Our 3 sons were dedicated. And, with our first boy, we had an outfit EXACTLY like that!
But, with our 2nd and 3rd boys, we just did a nice dressy outfit (no white angelic get-ups for them).
He’s a doll!!
my daughter wore the baptism gown that my grandmother made for me. i wore it, my younger sister wore it, lauren wore it and both my sisters girls wore it. it has our names and baptism dates embroidered around the hem. my son wore a pair of pants with suspenders and white shirt. i also didn’t want him to wear a gown since he was a boy.
Your Mom is right he is becoming such a ham, I love all the pictures… my friend is doing a baptism for my nephew, I’m the Godmother and I want to get him his outfit for that day, I’m looking for something cute and a bit traditional but for boys, any ideas???
I got baptised yesterday (Sunday- Australian time) at my church.
I was never baptised/christened or dedicated when I was younger so it was good for me to do it now as a young adult. It was over so quickly, I didn’t get the opportunity to just be in the moment and take it all in!
I hope you got the chance to do that with Elias’s dedication.
I am a “lurker,” but just have to say that your baby is SOOOO CUTE !!! And I should know since mine were (slightly) cuter !!! 🙂 They’re big now. 🙁 Inhale every moment of him …they get big fast !!!
We also do baby dedications but I did not dress my kids up in anything but normal church clothes. But Elias was adorable 🙂
He is definately a cutie! Congratulations! I dedicate myself to you in your raising of Elias in the love and faith of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Love you guys.
Our girls were dedicated in pink dresses….they each had their own.
Our special memory is that they were dedicated at the church we were married in by the pastor who ‘seconded’ our wedding. (we had another pastor officiate)
I highly doubt that my daughters will get married at this same church, though!
I agree with you about the gown on boys… c’mon people!!!! we have had both our children dedicated to our precious Savior.. it is such a special day!!! Congrats!
Elias looked so sweet.
We had our little boy dedicated as well. And our church, non-denominational, is much more casual so we just put a nice collared shirt and sweater vest outfit on him. It was a great sale deal as well – Kenneth Cole from Macy’s. Macy’s has really great sales on baby/toddler clothes if you haven’t checked them out yet. I’ve found my best deals there. Their green dog brand wears and washes well.
Just “had to” comment on your little man! He’s just the cutest! You did the right thing in not putting him in a dress for the ceremony and he looked very, very cute!!! I love your blog by the way. Have a safe trip driving “home” for T.G.!!!!
We’re Catholic and we baptized both of our children. My husband’s Grandmother made the Christening gown we used. It is a beautiful long flowing gown with a bonnet. For our little girl, she wore the bonnet but my husband was not a big fan of it even though his grandmother whom we named Parker after had made it. She passed away when Parker was 2 about a year before Grant was born. We chose for him to wear the gown as well even though it was a little girly because he would never know his great Grandmother. My brother and sister in law also used the gown for their little boy for the same reason. We will cherish this heirloom always.
Awww,fancy Elias!He is too precious for words!Both of our girls were dedicated.They are both summer babies so they wore a very simple little white cotton dress that has some tiny pastel flowers embroidered on it.It makes my heart happy to see how much you love your baby boy by chosing to raise him to love Jesus.God bless your family!
As you can guess, Jessica, we baptize-and actually my Dad baptized my Peter. All 3 of my boys wore the baptismal gown that my siblings and I wore that was bought by my Nana-your great-Nana!