1. Good luck with the sign language! We did not do as many words as I planned, but the ones we did do helped a lot. I work also so I did not have much consistency, but “more” was the one word everyone (caretakers, grandparents, etc.) seemed to remember. And for us since we only practiced a handful of words, it seemed to be the most helpful word. Happy New Year!

  2. Hi there – found your blog through another scrapbooker. I love your LOs, and particularly love your Project 365 idea. I’m going to be less ambitious and make it a Project 52 for this year, lol! I also resolve to get into my Bible more this year. Good luck with your resolutions…I’m still thinking up more…

  3. We, too, did sign language with both kids. We didn’t do many words, but ones like “milk”, “more”, and “eat” certainly were helpful. Our daycare didn’t do sign language either, but their teachers were happy to help us with the few words we did. Once the child learned the sign, it made their job much much easier.

  4. What wonderful resolutions! Good luck with them…what a great year you have to look back on!

    I, too am making a resolution to read the Bible. Not more, just…*ever.* I’m sad to say as a Christian, I have never fully read the whole thing. The ironic thing is, right after I decided I would do it, our (new) church announced that it was doing an all-church challenge to read the Old Testament in 2009. It provides the reading guides, discussion groups, etc. How perfect (and timely!) is that? I’m excited to have that support. (Feel free to e-mail me if you want the reading schedule–it’s very doable!…simon0554@msn.com)

    Best wishes to you and your beautiful family in 2009!

  5. I am planning on loosing some weight so we can start TTC, that and finishing all my test this year to become a USA certified doctor 😉

  6. I love reading your blog. New Year’s resolutions are great to have but don’t feel overwhelmed to complete them all; enjoy your time with your baby…time really goes by quicker with children! Also, I love having resources to help in my parenting, know that no book has the “right” way to parent your child. You and your husband know what is right when it comes to raising your child and your future children (and each child will be totally different!) Also, asking God for wisdom and guidance does more then any parenting book. I love asking my mom and other mom’s what they do when I need advice. Try mamasource.com. It is an amazing mom community!!
    I did signs with my oldest son. We only did about 5-6 important signs (milk, more, all done, hungry, please, thank you). Make sure you are emphasizing the words and once he can say the words, the signs are no longer used. I have a good friend who was so focused on teaching her daughter as many signs as possible that she is now 2.5 and knows a bunch of signs but barely talks! So be careful with that. It can make communication easier now, but in the future you want your child to be able to communicate with words. I started teaching my 2nd son signs about a month ago (He’s 10.5 months) and he only does “all done” but we’re working on it! lol
    Lastly, it took me 2 years to finally lose the final weight with my first (I gained over 60 lbs!!) The first year I didn’t care because I just wanted to spend time with him. It wasn’t until after his 1st b-day party when I was looking at pictures that I realized it was time to get back in shape. As soon as I lost it all, I got pregnant again!! HA! Anyway, I really just focused on portions and eating more veggies. You live in a nicer climate than I do, so walking with a stroller is something nice you could do. Have you heard of 10 minute workouts? You can get them at Target, and they are great for busy moms! Just squeeze 1 segment or 2 whenever you have 10 minutes.
    Oh and about the Bible reading…whoa! I so need to do more of that myself. When I read His Word I feel so much closer to God and I feel it helps me be a better wife and mother. The guidance and amazing promises give such great peace. My husband and I are trying to read together more often.
    That’s just a little bit of my mommy thoughts after reading this blog. First year parenting can be overwhelming, so don’t put any more pressure on yourself; enjoy those precious moments with your way adorable little guy! God Bless!

  7. Great resolutions. A great parenting book I just read was Kid Ceo by Ed Young. It was a great read!! I have a 2yr. old and a 3 mo. old and I will probably read it every year just as a refresher!!
    I started Project 365 on 12/28 (thanks you your blog) and I am so excited!! The kit looks like it will make it very DO-able!!

  8. great resolutions! i need to be in my Bible more too, so maybe reading your blog will help me get back into it!

    We started signing around 7 months. Hannah’s first sign was “more”. She quickly picked up on “please” and “thank you” around 12 months and now at 19 months, she also does “all done”, “eat/food”, “milk”, “I love you” and maybe a few more. At first, she wouldn’t say the words, just sign them (we ALWAYS say the words as we sign), but now when she wants something she will sign ‘please’ and say “PEEEEEEEEES”!! 😉 keep it up. I do sign language interpreting at my church, so I love it!!

  9. Great resolutions! And signing has been so wonderful for so many families! We totally planned to use it with my son and had the books and everything, but he was such an early talker (and so easy to understand) that we never even used them! Keep us updated on your progress!

  10. I hope to excercise more this year (no one famous works out at our gym…boohoo!) and also read my bible more. Those two things are sooo tough to do with kids!! ugh!
    I thought I’d add another book to your list…maybe for next year. “Christian family guide to Parenting a Toddler”. I saw this on the shelf at one of our bookstores and it immediately reminded me of something “for Dummies”…you’ll know what I mean when you see the book! However it has a lot of useful insights…and it isn’t “christian-ese”.
    And I love your blog!

  11. I just posted my resolutions today too. Many of ours are the same – although I’m calling mine goals since as soon as I breathe the word resolution I start to itch for ding dongs (and that ruins the weight loss thing).

    Hopefully you’ll find some tips at my site on your financial journey/saving money. I love being frugal in some areas so I can splurge on other areas.

    And, Elias is the cutest lil’ guy!!!

    Happy New Year!!

  12. These are so good, chickie! I don’t do resolutions but I am doing Ali Edwards’ “one word” again… can’t decide on the word yet. But I am with you on the Bible reading; I’ve never really done it. Crazy, right? 12 years of Catholic school… I can recite prayers that I love but not a bible verse. That’s something I’ve been made more aware of since blogging and it’s something I want to change.

    We can keep each other honest 🙂

  13. Ok….OK I am tired just reading your blog…..where is Jessica time!!!!!make time for mommy and everyone is HAPPY!!!!! xoxox mom

  14. AHHHH!! RESOLUTION time…yikes, you got me thinking girl LOL!!! The sign language is such a great, wonderfully awesome idea! My 2 and 4 year olds are sign language “fluent” (does that make since) LOL. i must admit, that i only introduced them about a year ago. however, they got to the best preschool ever and have the best ANGELS in the world as their caregivers. these lovely ladies have INSISTED in teaching sign lang. to all the children and it is great!! I, we are so BLESSED!!!

  15. YES YES YES – teach the sign language!! We started it with our boy at 1 yr (he’s now 14 mos. He picked it up immediately and now has 8 signs and they are all sooooo helpful – eat, more, please, up, down, etc. The only one we can’t seem to master is drink, but it will come in time. Good luck!

  16. I’m a new reading but I’ve already noticed that you set A LOT of goals for yourself (yearly Christmas traditions, new year’s resolutions…). Do you find setting so many goals motivating or paralyzing? I’m good if I set myself just a few goals, but so many would send me into anxiety attacks!

  17. I want to “be in the Bible” more this year too. Somehow, that “task” always seems to find its way to the bottom of my to-do list and I don’t want it to be that way…

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