1. Take lots of Nana and Elias pictures. You’ll cherish them later and it will give Elias a sense of ‘knowing’ her. I’m not saying she won’t be here long, but having those memories in print are priceless either way. The last of my grandparents passed away a month ago. I have so many pictures of me with all my grandparents when I was younger. (Same with all my children and their grands and great-grands.) I love looking at those pictures and remembering what we were doing then. Even though I don’t scrapbook, I have a running dialogue in my head when I look at them all. Hmm. Maybe I need to write that dialogue out and put some pics with it, eh? Scrapbooking!

  2. Oh Jessica! Your family remains in my prayers…I love my Aunt Marilyn and this is very saddening…lots of HUGS coming your way-it must be hard not to be there today.

  3. Oh, that last photo is so sweet of the two of them! Pretty obvious that E. worked his magic on Nana 🙂

    I know the nursing home thing is hard… my grandma did NOT want to go when she had to but it had just gotten to a point where it wasn’t safe for her at home. We were able to take her favorite chair and lamp and some of her things, which helped a lot. I’ll keep praying for her and hope she can find some happiness in the transition. I’m so grateful that something opened up so quickly.

    Hope you’re feeling a *little* more rested today, friend 🙂

  4. Hi, just wanted to point you in the direction of baby led weaning, since you’re going to wait till closer to 6 months to introduce solids.

    I’m not sure how common it is in the States but here in the UK it’s becoming more popular.

    The basic idea is at 6 months babies are physically able to pick up food and feed themselves (matching the age at which they start to need more than just milk – isn’t God’s design of our bodies amazing!), so you don’t mush or puree anything. Just set chunks of soft food in front of them at meal times and keep feeding them milk as usual.

    As they start to eat more they’ll take less milk – so as the name suggets the baby is leading the whole weaning process. Generally kids are less fussy and the social aspect of eating is reinforced.

    When we did it with our eldest son over 2 years ago people thought we were weird, a lot of friends saw how well it worked and used it with their second babies!

    I didn’t mean to write so much but thought you might be interested in a different option. If you google it you’ll probably find blogs and articles, the main one babyledweaning.com is a nightmare to navigate but all the info is out there.

  5. Hi Jessica:

    Just catching up on your posts and sorry if I’m repeating what you’ve already read. I’m glad you’ve decided to hold off on the cereal. I’m another big “lactivist” and think you need to stand your ground on this one.

    That said, I ran into the same issue with my daughter a few years ago. Here’s what I did to get her to sleep through the night: I fed her more during the day and I made sure she got plenty of sleep. He might be going through his 5 month growth spurt right now. But regardless, more food and more sleep during the day might really help him sleep more at night. And therefore, you!

    Hope it works out! Praying for you guys.


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