1. I love Wondertime…I have been meaning to subscribe. I buy a few different parenting magazines off the stand depending on the cover issues. Parents is the only one I have by subscription. Why? No reason. Someone bought it for me when I had my son & I always renewed. For projects and crafts, I like Wondertime better though. This is a good reminder for me to subscribe! (Other than that, we have a zillion magazines at our house!)

  2. I’ve never heard of this magazine before. I’m totally hoing to check it out… right now 🙂

    And by the way, I used to be amynicholeturner!

  3. I have never read Wondertime, but loved Parenting magazine. Hey – Jessica, I sent you an email about scrapbooking newspaper articles. Did you get it?? I’d like your advice. Thanks!

  4. Wondertime is our absolute favorite around here! My husband discovered how great it is, and now we fight over the new issue. 🙂 He particularly loves the creative photography and graphics. We typically aren’t impressed with Disney products, but this one is worth a try.

  5. I subscribed to Wondertime when it first came out (probably about two years a ago) and was disappointed with it. It seemed to have a lot of fluff and little substance. I wonder if they have improved it since then? I agree with Lynn that Family Fun is a great magazine for older children. My four year old daughter always finds lots of crafts/games/baking projects to do from it.

  6. Yes, Wondertime is great. I randomly started getting Working Mother magazine in the mail, no idea how. I’m a stay-at-home mom, but I actually really enjoy that magazine too:)

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