Love It, Leave It #8
Love It: Huggies Wash for Hair and Body

Runner up: Aveeno Baby Wash – another great sudsing, great smelling baby wash!
The reason why I thought about writing about body wash last night is because we were out of Huggies wash, so I reached under the bathroom sink and pulled out the bottle of Boudreaux Butt Wash that I bought this summer. I bought it when Elias had a bad diaper rash this summer because it touted that it would help soothe baby’s bottom, as well as prevent diaper rash. Yeah, right. And I’m the fairy godmother.
I don’t think it really works. Moreover, it doesn’t suds up well, so you have to use a lot to really feel like you are getting anywhere, you know? It does smell good though. I will give it that.
For other Love It, Leave it posts, click here.
What baby wash do you like best?
We were big Huggies fans here. I can't remember what I started out using at first – probably just the Johnson & Johnson's baby bath. We went to Huggies and used the Calming Touch – loved it and it smelled yummy. Once he got older – probably four or so, we were still using a gentle soap and we went to Gerber Grins and Giggles Lavender – that was my all time favorite. The smell was wonderful, great lather. Then it got hard to find so now we're back to using Huggies strictly for the smell. The kids bath products are few and far between and all smell girlie to me and with a boy – that's not cool
so right now we're using Johnson & Johnson's purple bottle – I think it's lavender. Still smells yummy on an almost 8 year old!!
And about the Butt Paste products – we never used anything except the butt paste (didn't know they made anything other products, and may not have 8 years ago) but it was fantastic. Not crazy about the smell but it really worked – like nothing else we tried.
I have to say we use Johnson and Johnson when they are wee little ones. I have used the Huggies before though and it does smell good! We also have a child prone to exzema and use a lot of baby oil at the end of bath time to help hold in all that moisture and follow it up with eucerin in the winter time. I also like the Aveeno products but they can sometimes be expensive to buy all the time so we did that limitedly. I do love the Aveeno baby lotions!
I am a huge Arbonne Baby Wash fan. I used others when my first was born until I found it and then have never used anything else on our baby girl. Same goes for their diaper rash cream. Costco brand Kirkland baby wipes are the best too.
Good ol' Ivory soap followed by a nice rub of Baby Magic lotion!
Since I'm the sitter, I use what I've got!!! With my own, it was pretty much J&J, but Huggies only made diapers then!!!
Huggies shea butter, baby! We also received the huggies cucumber melon wash as a gift and it is equally good. but i am partial to that shea butter smell…
we used aveeno with oatmeal the first couple months to help battle a bad case of excema, though.
butt paste is magical. never tried the butt bath though. no reason to try since huggies is so awesome.
My all time favorite when I had babies was always the lavendar bath by Johnson & Johnson. I do not recall any Huggies wash products 9 years ago. Who knows everything is always changing.
Hope you are feeling better. Was sick over the weekend but ok now.
I never even knew they made anything called Butt Products- still laughing here. LOL
Gotta run.
Hey, Jess–have you ever talked about which baby sling you use? I have a friend who wants one for her newborn and doesn’t know which one works best. Got any thoughts? Thanks.
Nothing about baby products, but I have a question. I would really like to do the Project 365, but I wasn’t able to get a kit. As Becky suggested, I would like to embrace the concept, but need some “tangible” help. Do you know of any scrapbooking products (I’m not a scrapbooker) that could help accomodate all the pictures and a little journaling…are there any comparable plastic sleeves out there, that I could modify? Any input would be really helpful! I want to continue, but am already overwhelmed with what to do with the pictures I have and it’s only January 7th!
As a new mom to a 3wk old, I have been taking advice on things from friends as well as the advice you have shared. I am a huggies mom when it comes to wipes and baby wash- right now we use the washcloths with the soap already in them. I use the sensitive ones, so there is no smell- but they are very sudsy like you have said and I feel they do the job well.
Thanks for sharing your advice and opinions with all of us. Hope you are feeling better and having a great week!
I really like the Aveeno wash & shampoo. It smells so nice. I use the Johnson wash if I give her a bath at night (the bedtime lavender one) but I don't think it's a shampoo–at least it doesn't say it is.
I used Burt Bee's wash/shampoo the other night and it also smells great but it doesn't work up a great lather. If I ever run out of all the washes I got from baby showers, I will try the Huggies! I love Huggies wipes as well. I bought some Target ones recently and the Huggies are so superior!
Yeah, I wasn't impressed with the Boudreaux's wash, but the butt paste is awesome. It takes cares of any redness realy quick. Oh, I so love Huggies wipes. We use the cucumber ones from Costco. They are awesome. I will have to try the Huggies wash…we are still using product we received as gifts (J&J) so I haven't bought anything yet. I will say the J&J vapor bath has been wonderful in helping Cristian during cold season. With a warm bath, it really helps open his nose right up before bedtime.
I love Aveeno also. It smells amazing. I have not tried the huggies.
Will be sure to stay away from the butt wash. I love suds so sure to completely agree with you. I have not been fond of butt paste either. We use Balmex W/ white petrolatum.
I’m not a mother but just wanted to say that your posts are so cute when talking about caring for Elias, and also getting good tips for when I do have children
I really like Baby Magic baby bath and lotion!
I’m a California Baby fan, though Method Baby products (found at Target) are positively delicious. The baby wash is scented with Mallow – like of the Marsh variety – and I have found myself chewing mindlessly on my son’s arm lodged between a graham cracker and a block of Hershey’s chocolate.
So, maybe you should stick with Huggies to avoid any involuntary baby cannibalism.
We use all of the baby Aveeno products and love them! Our daughter has ezcema so we can’t use just anything on her, she’s 5 and I still wash her clothes in Dreft. Our son gets to use them too because we not buying 2 different kids!
definitely a huggies mom…they just smell so yummy!
my babies are grown so i used Baby Magic. I liked it better that J&J. Not many others to choose from back then.
I’m a Huggies fan too – for lots of things! :o) But, I wanted to say that I’ve never used the Butt Wash, but the Butt Paste is amazing stuff! LOVE IT!
I used to use Huggies, Johnsons etc for my kids, but then I was introduced to a “Cosmetic Safety Database” which rates the safety of personal care products (so it tells you what chemicals are in them) So when I researched the products I was using, I decided to switch to something more natural. As much as I like some of the scents, I figured my child’s health was more important.
Here’s the link to the database so you can look your own products’s interesting if nothing else!
I don’t have any kids but I’ve given many kids baths. My favorite is those wash cloths that you just have to get wet and they soap up, and then you throw them away. I don’t know the cost of them though, so I don’t know if it’s really worth the price. I don’t like Huggies wipes though, only because I don’t like the smell of them.
We LOVE California Baby Super Sensitive shampoo and bodywash, no fragrance. We found out our daughter was allergic to milk when she was 2, and the allergist recommended choosing milder, safer health/hygiene products, as well. She is now 5, and we STILL use it. The only thing in our house that has fragrance is my husband’s shampoo and laundry detergent!
I could only use Aveeno due to my own skin issues! Must be fun to have choices.
Now my kids, even the 3 yr old – like Bath and Body’s kids line. We can only get it around Christmas, but stock up on it when it’s there.
I used to use Johnsons, Huggies & even tried the more expensive Mustella. Then I discovered this website that tells of all of the potentially toxic chemicals that were in the brands I was using & I switched to California Baby – you can get it easily on the internet (at sites like & amazon) and target carries it in stores.
Read about the ingredients & you'll be switching too . . . trust me!
I am not a Mummy but my sister uses Johnson’s baby shampoo and it smells gorgeous! She also uses Johnson’s milk bodywash for babies and you literally need half a teaspoon for my niece. My niece is 8 months and she is halfway through her 3rd bottle! Excellent value for money!!!
I am sure Elias smells adorable! X.
Thanks for the recommendation. I will get some for my grandchildren!
Love it when you do posts like this.
don't judge me for the price. i love the body wash and the lotion, and all the complements i get. i also read (hypothetically of course) that a lot of celebrities use this stuff as well…
I used to use Johnson’s and Huggies, but after doing some research on the internet, I found the website and now I buy all natural wash and lotion for my kids.
I love California Baby products and Lafe’s organic baby wash and lotion.
I feel great using products that are safer and healthier for my little ones!
I am a mother of four. And my favorites have changed over the past 10 years. With my first two boys, I used BOTH Johnson & Johnson and Huggies. HOWEVER, my next two babies have exema. After MUCH trial and error, I now ONLY use the natural body wash and hair wash from Melaleuca. It's a company that sells "all-natural" products. (including AWESOME laundry detergent) I HIGHLY recommend it! See
johnson and johnson all the way!!
I see that a couple other readers have mentioned the Cosmetic Safety Database and I just wanted to echo their comments.
I do not want to be a Debbie Downer. But I just want all you moms to be aware that there are some icky ingredients in some of your favorite baby products. And to be honest, Huggies is a big offender. You can visit the Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database and see if your fave baby product has been tested at
Again, I have the purest intentions and want the best for all of your delicate babies’ skin!!!
My personal favorite baby wash is from California Baby – not a lot of suds but that’s because suds come from Sodium Laureth Sulfate which is not good for baby!
Check out the database to see if your fave product contains ingredients linked to allergies, neurotoxicity and cancer! Blessings!
aveeno baby wash-no fragrance. …and sometimes i use Johnson and johnson bar soap for babies.