1. Those are too precious!! It makes me want to just pick him up and snuggle with him!! 🙂 I so wish I was able to do that…trust me! In fact, if I lived closer to you…I would just quit my job and take care of him everyday. Then, you wouldn’t have to take him to daycare!! Maybe someday!

    Thanks for sharing!

    Jess 🙂

    P.S. I will do some investigating at church today and see if I can figure out who to talk to about Matthew coming. I’ll keep you posted!

  2. Yipee…..LOVE the pictures sweetheart…thanks for putting a smile on my face first thing in the morning!!! Love you guys…. xoxo mom

  3. I must confess, I am in love with Elias! He is the cutest!! And this from a grandmother with 16 of the best looking and smartest grandchildren! Thanks for sharing him.

  4. He’s so cute I can’t stand it! The only other little boy that cute is my own. =o) Not biased at all! I love the one of the hands.

  5. I know you don’t know me, but I started by following Angies blog and eventually got led to you and Audra, and Big mamma, and Kelly, and Adrienne and and and… I just wanted to tell you that your little boy is the cutest ever! I hope this isn’t weird but his smile just makes my day. My husband and I are planning to start a family very soon so you’ll have to excuse me, but I’m kindof a baby addict right now. 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful day. Oh and one favor to ask… could you pass me some of your creativity 🙂 I started blogging a couple month after I got married and I have such a hard time being creative. Its normally pretty comical though. 🙂 Have a great day!

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