1. so honored to have made this list!!!! 🙂 especially honored since you know me in person and you still like me! 🙂

  2. Thanks for doing that! I aslo read Stephanie’s blog! Her 2 girls are so precious! I will have to look at my blog and let you know if I have any you should add.

  3. oh my goodness … your list is dangerous!! i just added about 6 more (i have many of the same already tagged!! … i love all things ali edwards too!!) to my favorites … just what this stay-at-home-already-busy-mum needs …. more blogs to read!!! ahhhhh ….


  4. Even though our blog is about our Little Brandon Bear…it really is about some humorisms of motherhood. I have been working on the side with writing a book too.


  5. http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/makennajohnson
    This is a Mom dealing with 3 children, the middle one is very special…and the Dad is working to become a Dallas Police Officer in the next few months. I love Marianne’s wit and humor in dealing with a bit of overwhelming life!
    And of course….www.spirittosoul.blogspot.com!

    Pamela in TX

  6. I am so the lucky one in this equation… I can't believe my good fortune to have found you. All three of you have been such blessings to me!

    <3 sara

  7. I love reading the same ones you do! I love the mix of Jesus and scrapbooking. I am going to add Matt’s to my morning read, and also some of the mommy one’s!

  8. Well- there is always my blog http://ev102007.wordpress.com , it’s a work in progress though as I try to get better at blogging. I am absolutely addicted to Melanie- aka Big Mama’s blog which I see you have listed in your links. I also read most of the same ones you do and them some of my friends blogs.
    This blog is great too: http://girlygirl.typepad.com/girly_girl/ – Kristen in one of my favorite authors, if you have never read her books, I highly recommend them- especially the Spa Girls series.

    Thanks for sharing!

  9. Jessica – great list!

    I really enjoy reading Pete’s blog too! He is keeping it real this year!

    Our family blog is about me being a Mom of 8 through Int’l adoption in the last 3 yrs and us being passionate followers of Christ!

    I love digital scrapbooking and design stuff too!

    Have a blessed night – give Elias a hug from our gang – the children think he is TOO cute!

    In His amazin grace,

  10. i just second the comment about angie’s blog. such an encouragement. i also love gitzengirl’s blog…what a beautiful story both of these ladies share! i LOVE YOUR blog, jessica! such precious pictures of elias and such great scrapbooking tips!

    (ya’ll can swing by my blog if you’re really hard up for reading material 🙂 i wont promise anything as good as jessicas, but…) 🙂

  11. I read most of the same ones you do. They are all wonderful! There are some great writers and even greater stories out there. My blog is http://rachelboldman.blogspot.com

    P.S. do you keep up with your old friend Dan P. on Facebook? If not, you need to look him up…he has been on some pretty amazing adventures!

    Rachel B.

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