One Little Word 2009
Every year, Ali Edwards encourages her readers to select a word to be their mantra for the year. Here is what she has to say:
Can you identify a single word that sums up what you want for yourself in 2009?
It can be something tangible or intangible. It could be a thought or a feeling or an emotion. It can be singular or plural. The key is to find something that has personal meaning for you. This is not your mother’s word or your spouse’s word or your child’s word – this is YOUR word.
One little word can have big meaning in your life if you allow yourself to be open to the possibilities. And here’s one thing that is totally interesting: sometimes a word will pop into your brain and it will not make any sense to you right now. Give it some time. Let it percolate a bit. I have often found that our hearts speak to us in very unique ways. Maybe this is a word you need to hear but just aren’t ready for it yet. Again, be open to the possibilities.
I have been thinking about my word a lot and have landed on intentional.
I want to be intentional in my relationship with God.
I want to be intentional with Matthew and Elias.
I want to be intentional with my family and friends.
I want to be intentional at work.
I want to be intentional with how I spend my time.
I want to be intentional with my spending.
I’m really excited about this. I have always liked the idea of selecting a word for the year, but this is the first year where I have really committed to one.
What is your one little word for 2009?
If you want to be inspired, check out all the words people have selected for this year.
Matthew has the stomach flu. Happy new year to us. Pray he doesn’t give it to Elias and me…
my word is health….i will do a blog post about it tomorrow.
I want to steal your word!! “Intentional” IS a great word for our relationshis with God and our family. These are two areas that I always strive to improve in.
Thanks for sharing!
Adoration. I want to adore my children again, instead of being irritated all the time. I want to adore my God again, instead of being stagnant. I want to adore my husband again, after years of marriage. I want to be adored as well…by my husband, my children and my God. Thankfully, God does adore me, even when I dont deserve it which is NEVER. Anyway, thats my word. Thanks for the thought provoking blog.
I just realized I never told you my word… I post about it tomorrow, but I chose devotion. It’s actually the same thought as intentional… being really present and dedicated to whatever is at hand; devoted to studying and learning, devoted to those who need support or encouragement, devoted to fulfilling the purpose he sets for me.
I think you have a great head start, because you have lived with intention in our friendship, and I so appreciate every moment of it.
I think I will go with productive.
I live alone and it is so easy to waste time or change my mind mid-task and no one is the wiser. But God allows relaxation within productivity, and relaxing is not a bad thing. But productivity in work, relationships and even the most mundane things, is all important.
My word is Passion. I want to be more passionate in everything I do.
A passion for being my kids teacher.
A passion for being a good wife.
A passion for losing weight.
So my motto for 2009 is:
Passion is mine in 2009.
Hmm, I think that I would like to bring Grace into every aspect of my life, so I guess my word is Graceful. I like this!
Mine is definately ‘Meaningful.’
I want everything I achieve, cry over, spend time time with, enjoy and deliberate over to have meaning involved with it. There have been so things this year that have been pointless and lost sense of it all. I hope my 2009 is meaningful and go into 2010 knowing that everything I did was done or achieved with good intention and meaning…
Happy new year guys!
I hope Matthew gets better! xxx.
Great word choice! Hope Matthew gets better soon and it doesn’t spread to you. Happy New YEar!
My word is “grateful.” I have been missing a heartfelt gratitude for the people and things in my life and I want to LIVE a grateful life, with all of the kindness and mercy and grace that should go along with it.
I came to your blog by way of Angie’s blog and I just want to let you know that you have inspired me to TRY the scrapbooking thing! Basically, I have zilch creativity (well, I can make a pretty mean scarf, but besides THAT…) and so because of your enthusiasm for all things scrappy, I ordered the Project 365 kit this morning! For someone who has never scrapbooked anything ever, a year long project feels ridiculously ambitious but it just looked too pretty to pass up. 🙂 There wasn’t really a way to indicate on the CK order form how I heard about the kit, or the company, for that matter so I thought I would tell you instead. 🙂
Happy New Year from Baltimore! 🙂
So, Jessica…where you able to get a Project 265 kit? I didn’t have any problem like some of the people are talking about. Happy New Year.
I am absolutely not kidding at all when I tell you that before I scrolled down far enough into my blog I too had chosen the word “intentional”. My motto has been “Live Life intentionally” so it was easy to break that mantra into one word. That’s so cool what God is teaching us both from our own little worlds. PS – I enjoy your blog!!
Love….the way God intended.
Pamela in TX
I have two words that mean alot to me. The first is HOPE, and the second is comittment. They are both words of action and promise I love this idea! Thanks for sharing. Happy 2009!
My word is “engage”. I started processing this in early December to give myself a personal goal for the new year. Sometimes I allow my introverted nature (and plain old insecurity) to keep me from reaching out and engaging people like I should. So that’s my goal this year: ENGAGE!
My word has to be CHANGE .. love love your post
i love your word. I steal haven’t decided on mine yet.