1. That is so exciting! Congrats to you sister and your soon to be brother in law 🙂 Your pictures are beautiful. They’ll be glad to have those for years to come!

  2. So fun! Congrats to them! And how fun that you could be there! My husband arranged it so that we had photos taken while he proposed to me, and I am so happy he thought of it. Good job!

  3. First, OH MY GOSH how completely exciting.

    Second… those are shots you could have convinced me a professional took. They were wearing the perfect color sweaters, great focus, light and cropping.

    Third, how glad are you that you had the cool lens rented?!?

    Fourth: E. in a tux. mmm-hmmm.

  4. Congrats to your sister and her fiance! So exciting that you’ll be helping to plan a wedding now too – I think your photos turned out great. (and hello – Elias will be SO cute all dressed up at the wedding!)

  5. Congrats to your sis! That’s so exciting! =) Great pictures, too. I’m sure Elias wil be Adorable (w/ the capital A!)! =D

  6. Oh my goodness- how exciting!Congrats to the bride to be! I know what you mean about feeling like you could be a wedding planner- I feel the same way after I had my own wedding! Yay!

  7. off topic: but the photo of their hands makes me feel like I should do sit ups. Or never have anyone photograph me like that since I wouldn’t look as good 🙂

  8. oooh yeah that’s so exciting 🙂 I LOVE IT! Hey if she needs a wedding photographer, Adam is available in ’10 🙂 http://www.adambarnesphoto.com, and he totally travels 🙂 alhtough you may have someone closer to home that would be better 🙂 Congrats to her, I love weddings 😉

  9. How exciting!! Congrats to your sister and her hubby-to-be. What great photos! Your sister looks so happy. How lovely that you will all be involved in the wedding party. Im sure you will treasure that in years to come. Have fun planning!

  10. oh my gosh what a fun time!
    you were able to be there and those images rock. she will love having those… happy wedding planning 😉


  11. I saw these pictures first on Facebook and thought they were stunning! I was wondering if they hired a professional photographer and if they did, why didn’t she catch on?? Great photos!

  12. How cute is that? That was really neat that you got to be a part of it. I would have liked to have seen a close up of that ring though….looks really pretty.

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