1. My nieces Mum does what you do – saves coupons, enters mailing lists and many competitions.I introduced her to Swagbucks the other day and she has nearly saved up enough to buy my niece a new high-chair. It’s brilliant! X.

  2. I’ve just recently gotten into the on-line coupons. Here is a blog I follow that shares coupons and sales called Freebies 4 Mom, http://freebies4mom.blogspot.com/ . I also came across another site, but haven’t spent much time on it called The Grocery Game (http://www.thegrocerygame.com/). Supposedly it helps you match up your coupons with in-store coupons and sales and specials on those products you have coupons for.

  3. Jessica, I have no idea how you manage to fit all the things you do into each day!! In Australia I find there are less ways to get insane bargains. I’m a little reluctant to join any websites for discounts, etc. because I don’t want to receive heaps of junk. Mostly I save by shopping around and buying only what we need.

  4. i also love baby cheapskate. I go to iheartwags.com and dealseekingmom.blogspot.com for coupon deals. i don’t shop online much. but i do use an alternate email for newsletters like you!!

    thanks for sharing!

  5. In Canada, I go to save.ca to get coupons (but I think there is a US site save.com) You can request a variety of coupons, including diapers.

  6. I like this website: http://www.beingfrugalisfabulous.com/

    She does the hard work of looking through the paper and coupons on Sunday and letting you know of the best deals. She also posts other fun deals during the week.

    P.S. I had the strangest dream and you were in it. (Don’t judge me) I entered a contest online and they said the only way I could win was if I got you and Elias to come to my daughter’s first birthday party and you came. SO weird. I am not a stalker or anything, I don’t normally dream about people I don’t know. I do happen to think Elias is a cutie though and him and my daughter would have gorgeous children so maybe that was in my sub-conscious thoughts that evening. 🙂

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