1. Yay!! I’m super excited for you! This is right up your alley and you are such an amazing and WAAAAAY talented scrapbooker that…they couldn’t have chosen anyone more perfect and suited for this!!! Way to go, sister!

    I’m so proud of you and can’t wait to see more of your wonderful work…and, of course, pics of you, Matthew and little Elias!

    Love ya,
    Jess 🙂

  2. Wow!! You’re so cool now!!

    Congratulations! I’m VERY big into scrapbooking and love coming here to see your work and get inspiration.

  3. How amazingly timely this post is!!!! I have a precious friend who is an awesome scrapbook-er, and she gifted me (just yesterday) with the most AMAZING little scrapbook for my upcoming Disney trip!!! I was floored and may have caught the scrapbooking bug! I was so excited about it that I took pictures of every page and posted about it on my blog…you should see it!

    I am going to look into the class you are talking about it….maybe it would be a good introduction for me since my baby just turned one (and I have YET to crack her baby book…..such is the life of a 3rd child)!

    Thanks for all the inspiration you give me (and all of us)!

    P.S. Did the teething tablets help?

  4. This is very exciting! I have been a lurker for a long time, commenting maybe a time or two. I am VERY overwhelmed thinking about scrapbooking my baby photos. My baby is just six weeks and I already have so many pictures. I can’t wait to take this class. You are such an inspiration for me. I went out and bought your camera b/c I loved your photos. Now I just need to get busy scrapbooking.

    P.s. Elias is so stinkin cute!

  5. That is awesome news for you! I too am a huge fan of Stacy Julian and her message. I think you’ll be a perfect BPS instructor. I enjoy reading your blog and and your outlook on motherhood and how scrapbooking fits into it. I have 3boys myself, with the youngest being 13 months old today. Congratulations!

  6. Congratulations!! I love stories of dreams come true!

    You and Matthew are adorable in those pictures. 🙂

  7. WOW That is SO exciting! I can only imagine that feeling! I’ve had a couple people from my LSS ask me to teach classes but I’m too scared!!! You are such an inspiration to me! Congratulations!

  8. I have to laugh, because those decorative scissors were a big thing when I started scrapbooking too and cringe when I look at those photos I cropped with those stupid scissors! LOL! Congratulations!!

  9. Hi Jessica
    Consider me signed up! I can’t wait. I will be working on my 4th baby’s album and hopefully be able to make some albums for my other babies!
    So exciting! I can’t wait!!!

  10. Congratulations!!
    That is very exciting (and BIG!) news for you. I hope you celebrate big time!

  11. Well done Jess! You totally deserve to share your talent with so many others and the format is perfect!

  12. I have been reading your blog for quite some time now and I love all of your scrapbooking/memory-making ideas and projects. I will definitely be interested in this class because I am intrigued by scrapbooking and have my first baby due in August! Sounds like fun 🙂

  13. That’s so exciting, Jessica! Congratulations!

    I love your “bad” scrapbook page!! I love looking through my old “terrible” scrapbooks that I made when I first started. I also started when my husband and I first started dating, and some of it is just awful! Sticker vomit, clashing colors, you name it. But I’m so glad I started!

    I’ve thought about redoing these pages so many times but it’s just fun to see how far I’ve come and how much my style has changed over the years, so I’ll probably keep them the way they are forever. 🙂 It’s all about the memories and the stories anyway!!

  14. That’s great! I am excited to learn more! I just did a scrapbook with page layouts done for a friend who is due with their first baby next month so all they have to do is plop the pictures in and journal. It got the bug back in me to start scrapping again and I want to start with my son’s baby album which means 2 years of catch-up. I’ll be checking in to see when your class is available.

  15. Awesome! I have a Kindergartener, but love the fact that you are encouraging even the slackbookers out here (who, me?) who never really finished the first year. =) Congrats to you!

  16. This may be big in a Big Picture sort of way, but this is HUGE and ENORMOUS in an exciting kind of way.

    And GINORMOUS in an i’m-proud-of-you kind of way 🙂

  17. WOW, this is sooooo exciting for you!!!!!! I can’t wait to see more of your work!!!!!! You definitely have such a HUGE talent!!!!! The best is yet to come :o)

  18. Jessica,
    I have followed your blog for a long time, since before Elias was born. I just love it. And you are partially responsible for me getting back into scrapbooking.

    My baby is 16 (how does that happen?)but we had our first Grandson July 31st. I wondered if your class could be used for basic scrapbook ideas and tips or if I would need to be scrapping for an itty bitty?

    Have a Blessed day,

  19. YAY I am so excited for this, I dont have a baby yet but we are TTC, plus the way I scrapbook is just like your first pic :p

  20. I have many pages that look much like yours! Congrats on your class… I’ve taught several times for BPS and its always been awesome! Enjoy!

    Stop by my blog and visit sometime. 🙂

  21. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That is SO cool! I love scrapbooking (and also started with scalloped scissors and stickers!), and I think it’s so important to help people understand that you CAN do it simply. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Can’t wait to hear more about your project!

  22. Jessica! I am SO excited about this! I am struggling with scrapbooking. I have a newborn and just can’t seem to really do this and have it look cool. 🙂 Thanks so much! Can’t wait!

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