1. I keep a basket in our daughter's closet of clothes that are too small to pack away later. I came home one day & my husband had dressed our daughter in those clothes. First, they did not match, but they were also clearly way too small1

    I don't remember my dad dressing me in any particular way, but he dressed our brother in clothes that didn't match regularly. In his defense though, he could french braid better than my mom 🙂

  2. Too cute!

    I came home from work one day after my fiance had taken our daughter to the doctor. I asked how it went and he said things went well but it was tough dressing her after getting her weight (welcome to my world!). After feeding her I went to change her diaper and noticed not only that her pants were on backwards (and they had a design on the front!), but the onsie underneath her outfit was also on backwards!

    I’m not even sure how that’s possible, but somehow it made sense in his head. 🙂 I bet it was hard trying to snap that onsie backwards! Gotta love em!

  3. One time, we were at my parents’ house for the weekend, and Dale offered to change Caedmon’s diaper…when he came back into the living room, Caedmon’s onesie was buttoned on the outside of his pants…Dale said that he had put the pants on first and just decided that the shirt didn’t need to be tucked in!

  4. well my dad aka grandpa kept my daughter…i came home and her clothes didn’t match her socks. something random like that.

    her daddy will put bows on that don’t match or that aren’t right on her head…or one time he tried to put purple socks on with a pink outfit…it has been pretty funny.

  5. My husband is always putting our daughter’s clothes on backwards…cuz “the buttons always go in front” according to him! Haha! I also asked him to put her jammies on once and he simply put them on over her onesie.

    By the way, I got the scrapbooking stuff in the mail that I won during your Lucky Week – thanks so much! I LOVE it!

  6. Last Wednesday was my first day back at work (the second day was the hardest, but I’m surviving!) I came home the first day and my daughter was wearing her Vandy onesie–a fine choice, though it’s very boyish, a black polo style (we got it when we were first pregnant). He told me he had trouble deciding which pants to put with it when they went out earlier. No pants would really “go” but any of the several solid pink pairs would have been fine. But no, he chose the super-girly lavender pair with embroidered flowers on them. Not quite a match!

    I also remember when my dad would dry my hair after baths when I was little. He would comb down to where the tangles stopped it, and then just pull the comb out, leaving a puff of tangled hair at the bottom!

  7. COME ON! They LOOK exactly alike. Yes, the cartoon characters don’t match. But still, they’re similar. 🙂

    I love parenting with you, baby.

  8. Ummmm… the above comment was obviously Matthew and not me. lol. Guess I was still signed in on his computer

  9. I distinctly remember when my Dad had to look after us when we were young and my Mum had laid what we were wearing that day on our bedroom floor so our Dad couldn’t dress us.

    I remember one time when my Mum was ill and my Dad took me swimming for the day. He just grabbed any swim stuff. Yet, the stuff he grabbed were bright yellow swimming shorts and a lime green swimming top to to prarade his 4 yr old daughter in the pool in. He just had no idea what he had picked up! I have seen the photo. Highly disregarded by me lol.

    Happy birthday to your dad hope he has a fun birthday! xxx.

  10. In his defense, I was going to comment basically something like what he apparently just did (on your account/his computer) :). At least they are apparently from the same manufacturer because they do look almost exactly alike (well in the same family design and color-wise maybe? at least.) He came way closer to matching than most of what my husband ever put on our kids all these many years. I’d say good job Dad (especially for a guy! 🙂 )

  11. My story is this: My husband was in the Army (for 22 years) and we were stationed at Ft Campbell but he got orders to move Ft Sam Houston. He had to report in April. This was the only time we had ever had to move during the school year and it just so happened I was also in college. Kids were in 2nd and K. During Spring Break hubby and the kids moved and left me to finish out finals. Got a call from daughter one night asking how long until I got there. Told her soon and asked why. She said that she needed me there because Daddy tried to fix her hair but it looked just terrible and she didn’t want to tell him because he tried so hard and didn’t want to hurt his feelings. I thought it was so sweet. Needless to say, she was very happy when i arrived!

  12. I came home from school the other morning and cecilia was wearing pink kitten pajama pants, a green horsey shirt, her white dress shoes, and a side ponytail. He said that she picked out her own clothes (she’s almost three). It was so cute, I actually left her that way all day (we didn’t have to leave the house though!).

    Elias is adorable.

  13. Yes! It is a man thing. My husband is notorious for putting my daughter’s clothes on backwards. Seriously, you would think he would look for the tag, but apparently he doesn’t. He also loves to put on too small stuff. Or else he will find the one thing in her closet that she hasn’t worn in months (because it is too small and I haven’t had a chance to pack it away yet), and that will be the thing he dresses her in. Not the other 20 shirts she wears all the time! He also believes that if something is in the same color family it has to match, so pink shirt with pink pants looks good right? I will say, though, that since we had a little boy he has done a better job with picking out clothes for him, so maybe guys can dress their little boys better, than their little girls?

  14. One weekend morning I convinced my husband to dress our 13 month old daughter. He didn’t want to saying, “You never like what I put her in…” I told him anything would be fine, thinking to myself that there was only ONE outfit in her entire packed closet that wouldn’t be fine (because it was too big) and don’t you know, that’s exactly what he put her in. I had to bite my tongue and not say anything!

  15. Red, white, and blue superman shirt with brown and green plaid shorts. Not only did my husband dress our son in this, but our babysitter did too another time.

    I thought maybe I was the one that didn’t have much fashion sense if two different people dressed him in the same hideous combination.

    But it was actually kind of cute.

  16. My Matthew doesn’t do hair for V because one time he tried…and let’s just say one low side pony with a giant bow just really comes out to be a growth from her ear….

    all that to say, I started buying headbands for Daddy days..he can’t really goof that up! LOL

  17. This story is actually about my husband when he was a kid. His mom was in the hospital, and so Dad was in charge for a few days. My hubs and his little sister convinced their dad that it was completely okay for them to go to school in their pajamas. Without hair combed.

    Turns out it was picture day.

    So 25 years later, we have physical proof of his dad’s inability to have clothing common sense.

  18. I am one of those moms who match a haedband to her baby girls outfit daily. Somewhat recently, her daddy got her dressed and announced that HE was going to pick her headband. Keeping in mind that he is severly color-blind, he brought her out with a purple outfit and a bright green bow on her headband, quite proud of his “perfect match.” I didn’t have the heart to point it out, so she sported that bow all day. 🙂

  19. Ok…get used to it because there will be many more. The one that worked me up was when I was at work and dad took you girls to meet an old girl-friend from high school and you had a pink sun dress on All day with the pink satin bow on the Back!!!! He was famous for “letting you pick your own outfits” and then “don’t complain it will hurt their feelings”……pjs are ok to mess up on….:) mom

  20. The first time Chris dresses Caroline, I started laughing when he brought her to the living room. He put her pants on and then snapped the onesie OVER the pants! LOL!

  21. Guys just care that the kiddos have pants and a top, not that they match! They just want the basics covered – whatever is near, they grab! I’m just glad that my hubby makes the attempt, even if the clothes don’t match. Oh, did I mention he’s pretty color blind? You should see some of his combos…

  22. My husband was laid off for a while so our girls stayed home with him a couple days a week (non-preschool days). He asked me to leave outfits out for them, so I did. He brought them to my work one day and my oldest daughter, Audrey, was wearing jeans that were too short, her hair had not been combed and it was a rats nest! The youngest one was wearing clothes that matched but she had on black, patent leather, shoes with a heel, with socks! And of course her hair wasn’t combed either. It was the funniest thing ever, but I quickly did their hair at my desk! I’ve also found them in pajamas that didn’t make sense either, like summer ones in the middle of winter or vice versa! Love your blog and the pictures of Elias, he is so adorable!

    Emily in Iowa

  23. My dad is color blind… he never tried to dress us; mom would have never let him!

    We always say if something happened to mom we’d have to put Granimals on his clothes so he’d know what matched.

  24. I must say that my husband was able to do a pony tail quite well when our daughter was little. But there were times, when he dressed the kids, I would ask “How did you squeeze him into that?” or “Red pants and an orange top…?”

    However, the real fun begins when the little ones start choosing their own clothes for school. My daughter INSISTED on doing her own hair before school IN THE FIRST GRADE. It was all I could do not to pin a note to her shirt: “I did my own hair today” but I figured a teacher who had taught for twenty years probably had that figured out. Then there was my son’s second grade year – his “Amish” phase – where he buttoned his shirt all the way to his chin and wore his socks pulled up high enough that they reached under his knee length shorts. That was real attractive.
    Good thing you take lots of pictures because you’re in for loads of fun.

  25. He’s totally pulling off the mismatched look. Especially considering that his smile takes “centerstage.” He certainly is cute.

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