1. my son just turned 8 months yesterday, and we bought him cheerios to start out with. He really seemed to like them today! over the next month or two I’ll start introducing more finger foods… cute pictures!


  2. I don’t have any kiddos, but just wanted to say that he is super cute and photographs SO well!!! 🙂

  3. Our daughter Norah definitely loved cheese! Another favorite was blueberries. She could have eaten those by the bucketful. She also loved peas & still does. It's her favorite veggie.

    Very cute pictures!

  4. Oh what an adorable little face! My son just trurned 8 months and 2 weeks ago I gave him a cheese puff and he went crazy over them things. Absolutley love them! 😉

  5. I am so nervous giving finger foods. My daughter is 8 months old now and eats cheerio’s and gerber “puffs”. She also likes goldfish crackers and saltines, I just keep an eye on her when she is eating them.
    Adorable pics!!

  6. Cecilia loved chicken nuggests. The ones by Tyson or the Wal-Mart brand. She still loves cheese, but only cheddar. She also ate Animalitos, which are little Mexican animal crackers.

    Elias is just too cute. He just seems like such a happy baby.

  7. Every one of those photos looked like he SO wanted to say something. I want him to stay little, but I can’t wait to hear the things that are in that little mind of his…

  8. our son loved the Gerber puffs, and also the Gerber yogurt drops – it’s freeze dried yogurt and they really are very good! Nutra Grain bars cut up into small pieces were always a hit.

  9. I came across your blog through the Smith Family blog … and I was wondering if you would tell me (a complete stranger 🙂 ) how you did the pictures on the top of your blog … I have some that I would like to add to the top of my little girls blog like that … thanks !
    laci king
    (san antonio )

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