1. I agree, what a beautiful letter. A cute way to document where your little guy is at at this age. This is such a sweet time.

    BTW-my little guy turned 9 months on Easter as well!

  2. I can’t believe how big Elias is getting.

    My baby girl turns 17 today! It’s flown by so fast. Continue treasuring every moment and recording memories. Unfortunately you do forget so much as time goes by if you don’t write it down. My daughter found a list I had made of really cute things she used to say the other day and got a big kick out of it. Kids really treasure those words we say to them, and especially the written word they can go back and look at and hold in their hearts as truth about how much we treasure them. And they love the things we record about them too.

    Elias will treasure all the memories you are preserving for him.

  3. he is so cute. love the letter. i need to write some more letters like this. having trouble keeping up right now! Eeck! they get big way too fast. my little one who is not yet 8 months think she is big enough to pull up…didn’t ask me if I thought it was ok. 😉

  4. You guys need to have about 10 more babies because I’m convinced they would all be as cute as Elias.

    Love the letter. It’s something he’ll always treasure later on in life.

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