1. When my son had his last ear infection, I forced the issue and they gave him a shot of antibiotics…it worked like a charm without the daily tummy issues and fights.

  2. sorry about the ear infection..no fun!

    just saw the video on your hubby’s blog of elias excited to see his mommy. it was so cute!

    we all have days like that…but it’s friday!

  3. I read all of the time and rarely comment for times sake but I had so many comments to this post!

    1) We’ve all been there! It’s ok! In fact, my husband and I have a tween…. several of us have cried lately! Not fun! : (

    2) Spilled antibiotics – done that several times over the years! Beware it may smell for a LONG time even after scrubbing!!!!!

    3) My son had LOTS of ear infections. So may that he had 6 sets of tubes!!! Yes, SIX! He had LOTS of other problems that led to that but we delt with it lots. If Elias is not having TONS of infections, just a few… I would suggest that you talk to your pedi and getting his/her opinion about letting his body fight the infection himself for a time. My son is immune to amoxicillian now. We now have to go for the rocefin (?) shots. It’s better in the sense we don’t have to fight the liquid and it WORKS. But i just wonder if I had let him fight some of the infections on his own…? Obviously you would have to get pedi opinion on how long you let him fight it and such….. Just a thought!

    I hope that the day improves greatly!

    Christi from Mississippi


  4. We all have them and it is good to talk about them. I hope you have a relaxing weekend! X.

  5. Hey Jessica,
    I hear ya, sometimes those days just come and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Sucks, I know.
    Your days will get better 🙂
    Thanks for sharing that song, halfway through it I was singing along to it! Great stuff.

  6. Ear infections are the worst, but my sister was able to mix her son’s meds with Sprite, which he was sure to drink all of pretty quickly. Might be a good thing to try.

  7. Jessica, I am sorry about you having “one of those days”. I had “one of those days” this week also. I have been feeling a pull on my marriage the last few weeks and so my husband and I are fighting against it. It has been a tough week but we are both aware of it. Satan wants strife in our marriages because then we are as strong of a force against him. I will pray for a renewing in your marriage this weekend so next week is a better week!!

    We struggled with ear infection after ear infection with my son last year at this time. He was on many rounds of antibiotics and they didn’t work. As soon as the anitbiotics were done he got another one. I want to share 2 things with you just from what I have learned in the last year.

    The first thing is that someone mentioned chiropractic for my son to help with the ear infections (our next step was going to be meeting with the ENT specialist for tubes). We tried the chiropractor and his ears cleared UP PERFECTLY in less than a month. My doctor was so surprised that his ears looked as clear as they did on our follow-up appt. after we had gone to the chiro for a month. My son has been going to follow-up appts at the chiro since then and has not had another ear infection!!! Now, he did just have strep throat a couple weeks back and one of his ears did look red. But he hasn’t had an ongoing fever or anything.

    Also, another chiropractor gave me a link to the Mayo Clinic website that shows that they are not treating ear infections with antibiotics anymore. I will try to find the link so you can look at it. My understanding is that they are letting them run it’s course but under a doctors care so it doesn’t burst the ear drum and such.

    Just some things to think about. I hope I am not overstepping boundaries by sharing this. Oh, also, I learned to give my children probiotics while they are on antibiotics so their bodies don’t fill up with yeast!!

    Anyway, food for thought. Sorry I commented a novel!!

    Take care,

  8. Girl- I am so with you! Those “days” are no good and I too hate when they butt their ugly little head. Along with what some other commenters have said- I too am very anti- antibiotics. I believe in letting certain things run their course with very close supervision. There are many viruses and bacterial infections that our body is capable of fighting off if we give it a chance. With that said though- I do believe that are times when antibiotics are needed and should be taken. I am a big fan of the rocifin (sp) shot because it works immediately when I get sick- it’s a harder decision to make when its one of my kids though! Who wants to be the reason their little one is in pain… right? I hope you, Matthew and Elias have a wonderful weekend, especially as we enter Holy week and and remember the life changing events that took place that Friday evening on Calvary’s cross!

  9. Oh man…sounds like a crazy morning. I hate days like that! But I am totally loving that song! Thanks for sharing!

  10. To clarify – we let the ear infection run its course and it seemed to clear, but came back with several other symptoms which is why we started the medicine. This is his first time on an antibiotic, so I am not terribly concerned. Elias takes probiotics every day as well – and has since he was 8 weeks old. 🙂 Thanks for sharing all your tips and experiences!

  11. Love love love her voice, style, everything. Going to look up more of her stuff now. Seriously might be a new favorite!

    Sorry you had such a lousy, no-good, horrible day. Hoping today is a million times better.

    Did you get your little computer yet? New stuff always makes me feel better 🙂 [I know it shouldn’t, but it totally does…]

    My only new thing is a “rollator” … which is a fancy term for a walker. Yep, 35 and I had to break down and order a walker. That’s not the kind of new thing that makes me feel better, but it should help me get around. 🙂

    Love you!

  12. Frequent ear infections and bottles of amoxicillin motivated me to learn to swallow pills by kindergarten.

    Because that pink crap most certainly does NOT taste like bubble gum.

  13. I love Joy Williams! I've been listening to her for a loooong time and was even able to see her perform before she hit the 'big' time! Thank you so much for sharing about her!
    Good luck with the carpet and I hope the medicine trials get better. I remember those all to well! My kids were 2 & 3 and would BEG for tylenol suppositories when they were sick vs oral because they hated taking medicine! Crazy kids!

  14. Joy looks a lot different these days. We played one of her songs, “Every Moment” at my daughter’s homeschool graduation ceremony. Everyone was in tears. I love this song!

    Antibiotic trick (I haven’t read all your comments so forgive me if I repeat someone). Something that worked for us was to use a long dropper and put it in the side of the little guy’s mouth way in the back (between cheek and gums) Mine would clinch his jaws so this solved that problem, plus when it was put way back there he HAD to swallow it.

    Hope you have a better day tomorrow.

  15. maybe i’m weird, but as i kid, i loved the taste of amoxicillian. it seriously was the best tasting medicine ever!!!

  16. Awww, Jessica, we all have those kinds of days. Hope you have an awesome weekend with the family :o)

  17. Both of my girls have had lots of ear infection issues. Unfortunately they usually won’t give the “shot” (rocefin) until the child has had 2 or 3 repeated infections, but when they do use them they seem to work very well…and much quicker than oral antibiotics!….but…have you ever tried putting the amoxicillin (or any other antibiotic) in his bottle? we always put it in a “drink” for my youngest (who is now 6)…you don’t run the risk of them spitting it out and the doctors’ usually agree that it is ok. We use grape kool-aid for her, but any juice or even formula would work! Hope he’s feeling better soon!

  18. We had problems getting Motrin in our baby when he was teething at 6 months. I finally found that if I put it in a bottle with about 1 ounce of juice and 1 ounce water he would drink it down like he was getting a big yummy surprise. I still do it that way today. Hopefully you will find a way that works for you instead of the crazy little dropper. As soon as they see it they close up the mouth.

  19. for that dammed ear infection.. you should check out the eardoc.
    as it would solve the problem and ear pain in minuets.

  20. I have a feeling that you might want this tip. Here’s what I did to get red koolaid out of cream carpet. I took a bowl of warm soapy water. I used green colored dawn. I’m not sure what other dish soaps could work. I took a light colored wash cloth and soaked it in the soapy water to get it sopping wet. Then I placed the wash cloth on top of the stain and I put a steaming hot iron on it. I left the iron steaming on the washcloth until it was almost dry. I repeated this process all over the stains. If you feel like your carpet is burning STOP, take a break and go back to it. At first I thought it was the dumbest thing I had ever heard, but I had tried everything else.

  21. Hi Jessica! I host a blogging event called Getting to know YOU! and this week one of my featured bloggers had your blog listed as one of her favorite blogs – so I popped over to visit.

    I’ve heard of the book “Churched” and have been wanting to read it. In fact, it’s listed on the same page as my book on Amazon (on the Customer’s who bought this item also bought). Funny.

    Well, I just wanted to say hello. 🙂 It’s very nice to meet you. Your blog is cute and your family is precious.

    Come on over to my blog and say hello!
    Dancing Barefoot on Weathered Ground

  22. I just found your blog through someone else’s and WOW. I am very impressed with it.

    And WOW…your friend Joy is not only precious, but has a wonderful voice! I definitely want to buy her cd!!

  23. Forgot to mention: I totally am with you on the ear infections. My daughter has had so many that she isn’t crawling or walking yet…and she just turned a year old. I’m so frustrated that I could cry. But she’s getting there…her ears are clear for the moment (Fingers crossed!).

  24. I’m sorry you had such a stinky start to your day. I certainly have had my share. And my now five-year-old daughter always fought me when it came to medicine…not fun. I loved the song…very catchy, thanks for sharing.

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