1. Oh, that cute little stinker!!! 🙂 I love it when babies do the one-legged crawl… it’s like only half their brain has figured it out or something. 🙂 Give him a kiss for me [preferably as he’s soaking you by splashing you to death from the big tub]. 🙂

  2. Yes, they do grow up too fast!!! Sophia, my daughter is already 4 1/2, and as we watch our 9 mos. old son, Riley learning new things it takes us back to when Soph was his age, and I just can’t believe she’s almost five!!! Riley did that same kind of crawl for the longest time too! Somewhere around when he turned 7, 71/2 mos. old he started crawling with all four limbs. The SAME day he started pulling himself up to stand on everything and I said, “Enough!” 🙂 I love this stage of crazy growth and constant discovery.

    I put Riley in the big tub now too, when his sister is taking a bath. He loves it! He always throws such a fit when I take him out too! Just yesterday I filled a small plastic pool up with a few inches of water and he sat in there and played forever, happy as a clam!

    Well, keep enjoying Elias! I know you do. 🙂 I love hearing about all his adventures. 🙂


  3. He is adorable! Just today I got my daughter’s summer clothes from last year (she was 1 1/2) thinking there still might be something in there that will fit her. I was wrong! Her summer clothes last year were a size 18 months. She is only 2 1/2 and only weighs 24 pounds. It makes me very sad!

    Now what to do with ALL of these clothes I have. There will be a lot of organizing this weekend!

    P.S. Hope you don’t mind if I leave an additional comment.

    Visit http://www.theoriginalscrapbox.com and check out their product catalog and also take a minute and go to http://www.tinyurl.com/entry257 to cast your vote for me!

    I am in the running to win a scrapbook desk!

  4. My son crawled like that too. We called it the “wounded soldier” crawl. He looked like he’d been shot and was trying to drag himself back to safety!

    The milestones will keep coming faster 🙁 But each one is more exciting than the last!

  5. i just can’t get over his biggness!!! love that lil boy! and yes… josie misses her boyfriend. We will have to come swim this summer like you said!!

    love you deary!! hope all goes great on your trip!! xo

  6. yeah for closed day care….I maybe will get more video’s????? Sorry Matthew is that selfish??? MOM

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