1. I’m glad that you are able to sponsor three children and make it a priority in your life. I’m unable to do that. We live paycheck to paycheck and have to pinch pennies to feed our own family. That doesn’t mean we don’t help those in need in other ways. Compassion and World Vision are great organizations, but there are other ways to give back, too. Not a judgement on your blogging about it at all…just my 2 cents in hopes that others who can’t afford to do this won’t feel discouraged or useless.

  2. Hi Jen – I very much understand! Please know that my post was in no way meant to be a guilt-trip on those who choose not to sponsor. We all help those in need in different ways. Take care.

  3. Good post Jess. I have been greatly humbled and inspired from this blogging trip. I have literally been moved to tears from their posts. I cannot afford to sponsor someone at the moment due to uni fees but I told my aunty about Compassion and she is looking into doing it 🙂 xxx.

  4. I’m been so touched and humbled to walk this journey with the compassion bloggers, Jessica!!!! God has begun such a good work :o)

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