1. I'll bet for next month's picture he'll be climbing out of that big boy before you can get the shot!!

    So cute.

  2. oh, that sweetheart! first: HE IS SO BIG!!!! second: do you think he was just too little to ever see the monkey face before? or do you think that crazy-looking Easter Bunny ruined him for all stuffed creatures? 😉

  3. Jess…Dad and I thought that you won't need a gate….to just set the monkey chair at the beginning of the hall….that will stop him for sure :)…kisses to you guys Mom

  4. Awwww. Monkeys freak me out a little too. Love the pictures. He's only 2 months older than my little guy. Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  5. Oh this makes me chuckle! Little sweetheart. I have to say I was inspired by this idea and found a teddy bear chair for my babies to "grow up" in at a garage sale recently! Thanks for the idea!

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