1. Looks awesome! Thanks for sharing…I totally get what you're saying and would love to read that book. 🙂

    You have a great day too!!

  2. Both books look great and I would love to give one as a gift to my wife. She is a new mom and loves to read.

  3. Are we twins that were separated at birth?!? Jessica, this sounds just like me. I'd love to read those books! Thanks for being so awesome!

  4. Sounds awesome! And Elias is precious… and I LOVE your haircut! I need to do something with my mop of hair.

  5. As a mom of 2 now, I am finding that it's much harder to get things done. I often feel like I need more hours in the day in order to be able to give both my girls the attention that they need. I have looked at the summaries for both these books and think they sound like they would be right up my ally.

    If I win, I plan to read these books, then pass them on to my sister who is expecting her first in September!

  6. You two are just ADORABLE together! It is funny you should say that because my friend who is due in September has all these expectations of what she wants to do and worries she 'can't fit it in.'

    Great giveaway! x

  7. I really want to read it! Glad to hear you, like so many others, really like it!


    p.s. Elias doesn't look like a baby anymore–he's a little boy!!!

  8. I think this would be perfect for us right now! We have a one year old and trying for our next baby! And, I often find it hard to stay present with my daughter and focused on her when I have so many basic things that need to get done around the house (laundry, dishes, cleaning, cooking and on and on). But, those things don't matter as much as she does. So, every morning I force myself to forget about them and sit down and read books to her and give her my full attention. I am worried that it will be much harder when we have our next baby.

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  9. This giveaway comes at a great time!! We're approaching the end of the school year and as a mom of three who works part time and is the president of the PTO and girl scout leader I'm on totally burn out!!!

    These books may be just what I need to help re-charge my batteries over the summer break


  10. Is it bad that I've been a mother for almost 14 years & a wife for 13(a little backwards 🙂 I know)& I really want these books? LOL! Well I would!!! Hope I win. If not, maybe next time!


  11. I was an awesome mother before I had children, dogs, a loving husband, caring in-laws, and a wonderful work place. Thankful for all these things…but motherhood is not what you see on the TV!

  12. Hello! My name is Janelle, and I just started following your blog recently after you started following me on twitter. I have been getting caught up on the you tube videos. Those are so much fun to watch, what a great idea! I am a mom of 2 boys. My first son Xavier is 10 (nearly 11), I had him when I was 19. Was a single mom for 5 years. I met and married my husband James when I was 25, he legally adopted Xavier, and also now have our 8 month old son River. My contrast between the 10 yr old and the 8 month old is amazing! I love being a parent, but would say that I feel like I am plagued with guilt so much about the constant 'to do' list of things that need to be accomplished, but find myself wanting to do nothing but be surrounded by my children. Adding River to the family is such a blessing, especially after we tried for 4 years to have him, but my guilt for the unaccomplished to do list has definitely put a strain on my household many times. I am working on getting through the guilt, but has been hard. Thanks again for your blog, and the inspiration that i have received so far from reading it!
    Janelle in Iowa

  13. I'm quite sure that both of these books would be great reads. And would benefit me as a christian wife and mom. Thanks for the chance!

  14. I'm leaving a comment, but not because I want the book. (I don't have kids, and, right now, I don't have time to read anything that isn't medicine.)

    I'm leaving a comment to say that your hair is VERY cute in this video!

  15. What wonderfull books… I know all moms feel this way at time. I know I do and I am a stay at home mom. Would love to read these books!

  16. Just happened to come across your blog today. That book sounds really good. I don't have a blog but I'd like to start one sometime. I am a Mommy of 2 precious little girls and a baby on the way. I feel so guilty sometimes because this pregnancy has made me so sick and I can't do all of the things the girls are accustomed to me doing. I am stuck in bed just waiting for this horrible all day sickness to disappear. Reading is about all I can do these days while my husband plays Mr. Mom.

    Anyways, I like your site!

  17. I'm pregnant with our first child and would love the chance to read this book. Thanks for the opportunity to win it!

  18. Those sound like great books! I would love to read them and/or pass them to my friend who will be a first time Mama in November ! 🙂

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  19. I would LOOOOOVVVEEE to read this book! I am a mom to an 11 month old by and a six year old girl. I work ft and go to school for nursing. My life is SO full and I have SEVERE mothers guilt 🙂 There is never enough time to get all that I have in mind done. I would love to be able to read the book and have a reason to RELAX 🙂

  20. I need these books! It sounds like they were written specifically for me! LOL! If I don't win, I will definitely go buy these two books!

  21. Oh how I struggle with trying to have things under control and in order. How can I let the dirty dishes have priority over my 3 and one year old? I am working on being present in the moment with my family but sometimes all I can see is all of the undone things. I thought when I became a SAHM I would have all the time in the world for everything. Boy was I wrong!

  22. does it count if you sometimes already feel this way and you're still pregnant!!?? can't imagine how crazy things will be once this little guy makes his debut!

    my expectations are always too high!!

  23. those look like something i need to read and i can't believe how much i could identify with those titles. beccas79 at hotmail dot com

  24. sounds like a great book. i think 99% of mothers feel that way.

    elias is so cute in the video and your hair cut is adorable!

  25. I think that book sounds just like what I need to read at the moment! If I don't win it, I'll have to go out and buy it!

  26. I would LOVE to read this book, especially with our second on the way I can't begin to imagine how I can be a mother to more than one! BTW your hair is fabulous and Elias is just the cutest little guy ever!! Thanks for another giveaway opportunity!

  27. I love me a good mommy book!! And I think I might have said that about trading my husband for a housekeeper before…

  28. would love the book! i know that i have way too overblown expectations, both as a mother and as a wife!! would love to read about other mothers and wives in similar situations!
    oh, and elias is too too cute!

  29. I'm a week away from my due date with our first baby and I would LOVE to read these books! I can't imagine how different life is about to be…

  30. Hi all! It's Amy Nobile, one of the co-authors. So glad to see the interest…and if you all want to ever do a group reading of it, we'd be happy to call in! XOXO

    Amy Nobile

  31. I would love these books! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts!! I feel the same way- it's impossible to always be in control of everything- especially once you're a mommy!! Thanks for the awesome giveaway 🙂

  32. Thanks for the chance to win these cool books. My children are 16, 14 and 11 and I still struggle with feeling like I'm a good Mom. The books sound so interesting.

  33. With summer here, I have been reading all of those books I just couldn't seem to get to this winter and I would LOVE to read this one as well. I always struggle with trying to keep a tidy house but also let my 3 little girls play and have a good time 🙂

  34. Welcome to my world! Having 3 boys underfoot is an ongoing challenge that some days I can meet and most days I completely choke on.

    These books sound perfect!


  35. I have been wanting to read this book! I love your review of it. Thanks for putting up this contest!

  36. I haven't read it yet … but would love to! Sounds like something I'd really benefit from – so thank you, Jessica, for another great giveaway!

  37. Hey there, this sounds great. My wife and I (yes, me too!) would love to turn these pages. Thanks!

  38. The books sound wonderful!
    Elias did a great job on the video, and I really love your hair. Wish I looked that cute as a mom! 🙂

  39. Isn't that the truth. Parenting was so easy before the kids came along! Thanks for doing a giveaway!

  40. Those sound like WONDERFUL books. I would love to have the opportunity to sit down and read both of them.

  41. I have been trying to get these books from the library, but they are always checked out! I can't wait to read them and would love to win a set. 🙂

  42. Ack- Love it! Please include me, and THANK YOU!

    (ps- Just today, as I was mopping the dining room, I was thinking about how I would TOTALLY trade Sweetie for a housekeeper.)

  43. Wow, both of these books sound like great reads! I can definitely relate to the nagging feeling of not quite being able to keep up with all the aspects of motherhood! Thanks for sharing!

  44. Both of those books sound great! I can identify with both of the titles. I have two children under three and most the time expect myself to do it all rarely ever giving myself credit for all of the good that I do. Hope to win!

  45. Ha! I am the mother of a precious 5 year old girl and I'm always saying how much better I was as a mom, BEFORE she was born! (Which technically, I was an AMAZING Aunti!)

    I have read your husbands book, Churched, (twice) and he is hysterical!!

    Thanks you!

  46. Wow… the 2nd book (I'd Trade My Husband for a Housekeeper: Loving Your Marriage after the Baby Carriage) sounds like something I need to read!! I'm a Mommy to 16 month old boy/girl twins and need all the encouragement I can get!! Despite all the craziness of twins, I'm very thankful for my hubby and his help!

  47. I came here via a twitter by Chronicle Books! Looks like a good giveaway you've got here–one all of us moms could use.
    Thanks for posting and relaying what looks like valuable info!

  48. Wow! You get a ton of comments when you do a giveaway! Your new hair cut is adorable and I love it when you post videos 🙂

  49. This book looks amazing. I am due with my first child in November (a boy!) and even before I was pregnant I felt like I couldn't get everything done, too much to do, too little time. So now that I am having a baby, I am wondering how much my stress level will grow knowing that I can't do it all… hopefully this book will help me to relax and enjoy life and just to slow down a bit. Thanks for a great giveaway!

  50. I would love to win these books. I struggle all the time with feeling like I am not getting everything done with two little ones. Thanks for having a give-away!!


  51. I have a 7 month old baby, and I work full-time from home. I have realised that post-baby my lifestyle choices are totally dependent on my husband (who btw is a workaholic). I would rather have a balanced life, where I get to chat with friends, pursue my hobbies and take care of my baby. But I can't do it all alone, not with a spouse spending just about 30-40 mins every day playing with the baby and not doing anything else (Oh! But he works 15 hours a day at work).

    I would love to get a copy of both of these books.

  52. Looks great! The titles alone sound like me. The speakers on my computer aren't working, but I watched you and Elias. I'll have to borrow my husband's laptop when he gets home!

  53. I love how Elias is looking around trying to find who's leaving when you tell him to say 'bye'. So cute!

    I'd love to read the books. I'd also pass them along to some other moms who I know need the encouragement.


  54. I WANT IT!!! I am on the waiting list at the library for the one book but it has already been a month and there are still 35 people in line ahead of me.

  55. Do I relate to that? Um, YES!!!!!

    As a working mom who has friends, hobbies, a great husband, and an adorable daughter, I feel as though I'm always letting someone down. I would love a copy of this book…and the other one too, of course!

    Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  56. Hey Jessica! I have been following your blog since right before you have Elias. I found you through Angie's blog and I have learn a lot from you. I would love to read the book that you are offering. Thanks for the tip. Have a great day!

    Jill, WV

  57. Oh, I would love to have one of those books! I actually picked up I Was A Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids in Target one day and I laughed so hard I almost wet my pants (Which could happen so much easier now that I am a mom-ha! Sorry if that's too much info.) I didn't buy it for myself though. I'm sure I spent the money on diapers instead. =)

    Great giveaway and great blog!

    Shene' Benton

  58. sooo funny!

    I was just telling a friend that, "yeah, I'm a Stellar Nanny, but I could never play "Mom" irl"


    ~Nanny Nina

  59. Thought I might be the only guy to post a comment, but I see Jeff beat me to it. I too would love to get these for my wife who, as I sit upstairs at work listening to the screaming, crying, and thumps downstairs, is doing a rockin' job as a mom but feeling very down about it right now. You can imagine with kids 1, 3 1/2, and 5 years old home for the summer, things get a little more than crazy. She deserves some quiet reading time, and this would be a perfect way to give her that. Thanks!

  60. The book you talked about in your video sounds so good! I often feel like such a failure because I can't keep up with it all! I also would love to give the other book to my friend who is expecting their first child in August. What a great gift for new parents! Thanks for doing this giveaway! I hope I win!

  61. Both sound like good reads and possibly a few good laughs in there as well!!! We all need that everyday! 🙂 Thanks!

  62. I'd totally trade my husband for a housekeeper… and I'm pretty sure he'd trade me too!

    Those books look great!
    Folsom, CA

  63. I am a new mom and only have one mom friend, so we always cling to books to find someone we can relate to! This sounds like a great one! Can't wait to tell her about it and read it! Thanks for sharing!

  64. I'm not a mom, but my boyfriend does have two small boys ages 5 & 7 and I am always wanting to be a good role model for them, I guess you could call it a psuedo mom? Because they are there so often, I do love them as if they were my own and some days I feel like they really are.

    PS — I LOVE your hair and make up! And of course, Elias is cute too! 🙂

  65. Hello! my friend, Natalie (2 up from my comment), said she left a comment hoping to win us the book, thought I'd double our chances! I am a new mom as well, my daughter is 6 months, and have checked out a lot of the things you have talked about!! Thanks for the giveaway- sounds great! 🙂

  66. I could really use some inspiration in the mothering arena right now. Thanks for letting us know about these books

  67. I've read "I Was a Really Good Mom Before I Had Kids" but I can't find my copy anywhere…so I'd love to replace it, and reread it, and the other book sounds great too! Prior to having my little girl I thought I would be the type of mom who had it all together, and would never be one of "those" moms at the supermarket who caved and bought her kid the candy bar just to avoid the tantrum, or who forgot to feed her kid lunch because she was too overwhelmed/distracted by life. Now, I am more than willing to admit that I am one of "those" moms, but I'm doing the best I can and I'm okay with that!


  68. Since I've b/c a new mommy in January, I've continually asked myself how do I want to be defined as my daughter's mother. I've been learning how to make awesome pies and biscuits in hopes of one day her saying "My mother makes the best….." Anyways, I've struggled with trying to strike a balance b/t work, being the best mom I can be, being a good wife, and finding time to stay involved in church and other hobbies that define who I am.
    This book sounds interesting and may be the answer to some of my struggles.

  69. I often times find myself trying to prioritize all that has to be done. Being a mother/wife and working outside the home is overwhelming at times. I feel like I don't do anything like it needs to be done. It's quite a balancing act…The book sounds GREAT!

  70. With two boy's and a baby on the way….WOW COULD I USE THIS BOOK :)!!!! It was hard to pay attention to your video with that beautiful little smiling face beaming in to the camera :)! He just melts my heart :)! Emily

  71. I soooo need those books right now. My son will be a year in a week and motherhood has been a tough transition for me.

  72. I have seen this book and have really wanted to read it! Oh – if by some slim chance I win…I won't be able to e-mail you back until next Sat. 🙂 hehe


  73. Ok….we get it Elias love to be on Camera….could you please do more…..ITS ADORABLE!!!!P.S. So is the hair..Mom

  74. As a single mom of three awesome kids, I can definitely relate to the feeling that I had it all figured out BEFORE I had kids. Still, I am learning to appreciate this new life and the mom that I have come to be!!

  75. I have been wanting to read that book! Now that I am finished going overboard on Nolan's first birthday party, it might be a good time to read it!

  76. I think I am the queen of mommy-guilt! I would love to read that book! (And the new one too… my poor hubby!)

  77. My wife is about to go back to work on Monday and she has been REALLY struggling with how we're going to do it all and focus on Reese at the same time. We've RE-divided the chores in the house and Daddy won the lotto getting dishes, laundry and the upstairs bathroom but Kim is still feeling like she needs some reassuring and this book might help!

    My wife and I enjoy your blog.

  78. First of all, Elias is adorable and growing so quickly. I started reading your blog right around the time Elias was born and have been enjoying your writing about parenthood (I have a 1 1/2 year old), life and scrap booking. Anyway, these books sound great as I too feel guilty ALL THE TIME about not playing with my daughter enough, not getting enough housework done, and even about the baby book (or lack thereof). I work full time and feel like there isn't enough time in the day to do everything justice. Thanks for your inspiration! Oh, and your hair looks adorable in this video!

  79. I have three kids…of course I have "failed mommy" moments! I think I would enjoy reading that book as well! Thanks!

  80. The books look great. I just became a mom on May 12th and I find such comfort in your writing. Becoming a mom has turned my world upside down and I struggle with who I was, who I am, and who I am becoming. I would love to read those books while pumping!

  81. Those books sound incredible! I would love to win my own copy! I have a 5 year old daughter and a 16 month old son. Nothing rocks your world like motherhood! Thanks for the contest!

  82. These sound like great reads.
    I wrote a similar post when my son was about the same age. Especially, being a working mom it feels like you just can't balance everything. I know at the end of the day, what I did for my little guy is much more precious then the house cleaning or my workout. We do make sacrifices, but when you really stop and think about it there not sacrifices at all.

  83. I'm 8 weeks pregnant and would love to read this book! Thanks for the opportunity to win this book. 🙂

  84. i got my entry in by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin!

    i've always said in order to be a better mom i need a housewife! 😉

  85. I'm a mom od 3, ages 27. 24, and almost 16…grandmother of 2, ages 4 and 7 months. Trying to be a better grandmother than I was mom….would love to win this book, and think it would be a blast to do a read along…if "old women" like me wouldn't be in the way! hehehehehe


    Lolli (aka Lisa)

  86. Man oh man I NEED those books!!! I feel like my life is moving faster then me sometimes. I'm not able to enjoy it the way I want to because I feel like I always have to be that perfect mom who has it all together. I'm so far from that and having trouble balancing it all. Please pick me!

  87. This book sounds totally relatable. I've often felt overwhelmed over the last 2 years since having my little boy. Juggling it all is a constant challenge. Would love to read either book!

  88. Sounds like a terrific give-away!!! I seriously can't remember who I was before I was a Mom…I can't remember a flat belly, either!!!

  89. Is it too late to enter?! These books would be awesome. I've heard of them, but haven't had the chance to put down my 8 month or 2 yr old. LOL

  90. I haven't heard about this book…looks great! I would love to read it…can't wait!! 🙂

    By the way..I can't believe Elias is almost 1! How did a year pass by so quickly?

  91. Yep, I sometimes feel the same way. My oldest 2 are now 7 years old (twins) and I'm beginning to learn those things. It's like needing a shower today but seeing a moment for a great photo opportunity so I waited on my shower. I still got it but I also got the pictures!
    The book sounds neat.

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