1. Great post at (in)courage – and this is an awful way to meet, but I'm leaving you a good comment there. Here I'm telling you this because I want to know if I miss a word in a post.

    Word missing in this sentence …
    "Things are beginning to look for Matthew and me financially."

  2. I think your post was amazing! My husband and I also have seen life in a new light as we struggled with finanical issues. Things are looking up for us, but we couldn't have done it without God. I am glad for what we have been through because God made us stronger in so many areas. God is good everyday 🙂

  3. Hi Jessica! Read your blog all the time and I'm wondering if you have any tips for learning how to be a "coupon shopper." After reading this post along with your meal planning post, I am newly inspired to really try to learn how to manange our home and finances better, but am not sure where to start. If you find time (as I know you are very busy) to email me with any suggestions please do so at slkooiman@yahoo.com. Thanks in advance and love the blog!

  4. Jessica,
    I read your (in) courage post this morning before I walked out the door. I know at times I look at a situation and feel overwhelmed by what may come of it..

    Listening to how God has answered your prayers of courage and peace just re enstates that He is listening! I am so happy that life is not as overwhelming for you and that things are looking UP!! =) Matthew is doing some incredible things on his blog, and I only wish him the best with his writings! .. And you Miss, are just fantastically talented! May God continue to guide you in using your talents to brighten lives of others!

    You seem like woman filled with JOY =)

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