1. Love it…been wanting to get a carrier and to win one free would be awesome!!!

    I like the garden pattern for my little Josephine!!!

  2. I really need this!! We have been wanting one of these!! I love love the buds print but since I have mostly boys… I would have to pick the sailor print but then again, maybe it would matter and I could pick the buds one!! 😉

  3. I love the bubbles pattern. I already follow you in Google reader, as well. Angie "introduced" me to you a couple of weeks ago.

  4. My husband has always had "carrier envy" when he's seen others carrying kids with type of carrier! 🙂 We both like the sailor print.

    Thanks Jessica and Kokopax!


  5. i've seen these before and it would be such a treat to win one … now that we have a 1 year old and a 0 zero old!!

    i'd take the espresso, to be boy friendly.

    (and 'cause i love coffee!)

  6. I like the garden pattern but if my husband were to choose, He'd pick licorice. Cuz I think he'd use this more than I would… I like wraps. 🙂

  7. Hard choice! I think I like the bubble pattern the best. We just found out our February baby will be a boy, so this would be great! Thanks!

  8. Hi Jessica, love your blog! I've been a subscriber since before Elias was born. I just gave birth to our 3rd son, and this carrier would be perfect! I love the Sailor pattern. Thanks!

  9. I love the bubbles pattern too. I have been looking for a carrier my my little guy. He is 7 months old and over 26 lbs. My arms can't take much more! Thanks!

  10. I LOVE "garden". I'm a big babywearer, but I do not like the backpack that we used with our first daughter. Right now, the baby (3.5 months) is loving being worn in slings.

  11. soon to be first time mom and would LOVE this!! I love all the patterns, how will I decide?

    I guess I'll go with Bubbles

  12. I would love the espresso pattern!!! This would be perfect because I have a VERY light 2 year old~so this would work great for us!! She is always wanted to be carried or ride on my shoulders/back. The extra support would be awesome. I am also a follower!~!

  13. We adopted a baby boy in Feb, and I am pregnant- due with ANOTHER boy in Feb!!!!! Hooray! I love the bubbles pattern! (I follow your blog too!) Thank you for offering such an awesome and USEFUL giveaway!!!
    -Beth Glymph

  14. Love it! This would work for my new one coming in February or my 20-month-old. I like the bubbles or espresso patterns the most. Thanks!

  15. I'd have to say bubbles because even though we have a little girl now, we may have a boy in the future and I wouldn't want him to have to get hauled around in the buds one. Plus I need something manly enough that my husband will use it!

  16. I love the bubbles patter! This would be fantastic for us! We are huge into the outdoors, camping, walking, fishing, etc. This would be perfect! Thanks for the opportunity!

  17. Just had a baby boy in June and I can't seem to bond with the whole swaddling craze! LOVE the bubble print – great for boys or girls – kids and parents, that is ( :
    Love your blog – am about to buy the "Don't Blink" scrapbooking tutorial. Am reading Crazy Love and following you and Angie as you walk through it. Anyhow, didn't mean to go on and on…Have a blessed day!

  18. I have ALWAYS wanted one (have 3 kiddos, another on the way). We have used a front carrier, but my kids get too big too fast for it… I think I would choose the bubbles. But I really like the bud one, but would that be too girly for a boy???

  19. I like the bubbles pattern because it is gender neutral. I have a little girl right now, but if we had a boy next this could totally be used for either one! Thanks for the opportunity to win! 🙂

  20. That is awesome carrier! I've never seen it before! That would be perfect for us! I have 2 boys and a little girl on the way.. 🙂

    I love the Buds pattern!

    Thanks for the opportunity Jessica!

    Meggan P.

  21. What a great product! It would be perfect for toting around our little peanut, especially when we are on our Christmas vacation as we do not have a stroller. Bubbles please. Thankyou!!

  22. I like the Expresso. That carrier looks so easy to use in the video. I always thought it was cumbersome. Would love it.


  23. Oh my goodness!! I have ben looking for something just like this. I love the bubbles pattern! I just know my little guy would love the view from up there!

  24. hard to choose – espresso is fun but i tend to lean toward what is most versatile, so in the end, licorice would win out.

  25. My sister is due in October! Hope I'm still eligible to win… I know she'll love the Garden pattern! Maybe even the bubbles, too!

  26. ooooh, that's an awesome carrier! I love the Buds pattern, but would probably go for the Bubbles one so my husband wouldn't feel so awkward carrying it 🙂

  27. I love garden but since we don't know what gender our baby will be, I would probably choose Sailor!

    andreaandtyler [at] hotmail.com

  28. this is so cool! I've never seen one of these but think it would be so handy to have. I have 2 small children and am expecting #3 in March…. not sure what I'm having yet so I'll go with the Bubbles pattern which I think would be great for boy or girl! thanks for the opportunity.. hope I win!-j

  29. I like the espresso or the licorice. This way, Daddy could wear too without feeling too feminine! :o) Have a baby girl due in November through a wonderful open adoption! So excited. This would be a great item to have! Good luck everyone & thanks for the chance to win Jessica.

  30. Love that carrier:) I think that video may have been filmed in/around Seattle (where I live) since those ferries look very familiar:)

  31. Garden and bubbles are both super cute! My sis-in-law would LOVE that, she hasn't been able to find a carrier that she likes & works well on her frame.

  32. I'm expecting my second baby in December. My first will only just be two. This would be perfect. I love the bubbles pattern.

  33. I like the espresso. Hubs and I are going to become first time grandparents and it would be wonderful for him to carry the baby in this!

  34. The best I can tell the sailor pattern looks very understated. I'm not aware of the sex of the baby but I think sailor could be used for either. thanks, ms.cheryl

  35. I like the bubbles pattern. My daughter just turned 1 and refuses to sit in the cart at the store and twists and turns until she can wriggle her way out. This might be a good alternative!

  36. I followed you on Twitter and RT'ed the msg. I would like Espresso, if I win. Thank you!! I also subscribe to your blog via Yahoo Reader.

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