1. I am going to have to go with the turquoise and orange…I think it's a great color combo for a girl or boy…and well our kitchen table is turquoise and the chairs are orange…so I guess I'm partial to those colors as well!!!

    This sounds like a great product look forward to the chance of winning.

  2. Ooh ooh, I want one! I'm such a sucker for sippy cups. I swear. But I can't decide whether I like the pink or the blue better. You'll have to pick for me if I win. 🙂

    (And if I don't win, I'm definitely going to have to go buy one…where can I get one?)

  3. I'll have to go with turquoise and orange only because my husband wouldn't let me bring anything orange and blue into our house. 🙂 I too am constantly on the hunt for the perfect sippy cup.

  4. I love the pink one. I'm a sucker for all things pink for my 9 month old daughter. We've been having trouble finding the perfect sippy cup also.

  5. My favorite color is blue. I have a 3 month old and we didn't keep many baby things around from our older two kids. I'm beefing up my stash and this would be a great addition.

  6. I like the pink of course!!! love the concept and i Am still on the quest for the perfect cup too! i want one please!

  7. I like the pink one. Having triplets and an extra, I've tried every sippy too except this one. It looks good and I love the sippy to straw feature.

  8. I must have missed your "perfect sippy cup" post the first time. I have been on a similar quest this summer, at times just chucking all the pieces and parts and starting fresh when I found they leaked. Anyway, I like the orange one and I am intrigued by the design! I hope I win!

  9. I'd go with green, in case I have a boy next! (I try to escape the "pink is for girls, blue is for boys" mindset, but it's tough!)

  10. I love the blue one. This would be perfect when traveling for my son who claims he is too big for a sippee cup. I think he would be totally fooled!

  11. I would have to say blue. With two little boys at home, I'm kind of partial to blue. These look like nice cups!

  12. I LOVE this sippy cup! I have been searching for a new sippy for my son. He drops restaurant-style cup with lid and straw all of the time and they bust open and spill everywhere. I feel like I am constantly cleaning spills like this all day long…This cup would be GREAT!!


  13. I love the turquoise and orange! What a great concept to go from a sippy to a straw! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

  14. Love that these are earth friendly, stainless steel! Would get the pink and blue for my daughter and son respectively! Wish I would've known about the safe starter when I could've used it. Will keep it in mind for a gift…


  15. MY favorite color is the pink one, but since I DON'T need a sippy cup, I'll go with the blue one for my nephew!! 😉

    They look awesome!

  16. Love the green…my daughter is 1 and still doesn't drink out of a sippy cup (much preferring to nurse), so I'm always trying new cups!

  17. I don't know what color to pick! My first instinct is pink, but my 2year old is about to phase out of sippy cups. We find out in two weeks what baby #4 is, so I guess then I'd know whether pink or blue. Until then, I guess I'll go with green. 🙂

  18. I like the blue one or the green one. I have 2 kids and still have the sippy bup battle about which keeps drinks cold is easy to clean and does not leak.

  19. I really like the pink cup! I also love how the blue and orange go together (contrast colors)!

    What a fun giveaway!

  20. I think the Starter Cup is amazing! The stainless steel would keep the milk warm for longer and the silicone grip makes it easy to hold. That is one cool bottle!

  21. I like the turqoise color! I love the fact that it can be used in 2 different ways, and the fact that BPA is not a concern. I recently threw away all of the old plastic stuff from my first child and replaced all of it with BPA free stuff just last week.


  22. Entry #2 – Another item for sale is the safe sporter. I think my 3 year old would think that's pretty cool!


  23. I think I'm going to LOVE this! Our kitchen contains about a million different types of sippy cups as well….each time I buy one I"m sure it's going to be 'the one'. Still looking for the perfect sippy! We like BLUE!

  24. They also make the safe starter which I wish I had known about…we have a million different types of bottles which he never took to. 🙂 Love my little muffin!

  25. We're having a girl in a few weeks, but trying to do everything gender-neutral so we don't have to buy new everything for baby #2 someday, if the opposite gender! So I'm going with turquoise. 🙂

  26. I would pick the pink one since my 2 year LOVES anything pink. Yay for a "green" kid friendly product!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

  27. I like the Safe Sporter. My older kids play a lot of sports and I think it would be perfect to take to practices and games.

  28. i like the sport models too for my older daughter- they look more grown-up than other kid bottles.

  29. Even though I have a little girl, I love the aqua/turquoise color the best! I hadn't heard of this brand. Thanks for the heads up!

  30. The other product that looks neat is the SafeStarter. I love the measuring cup on the lid! Great for moms like me who want to know exactly how much milk I'm giving my little girl!

  31. I like the turquoise one for my kids. Actually, I really love the pink one, but the turquoise can be used by my son as well as my daughters!

  32. great cup, I've seen some people use this and they love it. We still use playtex so this would be a great way to try something new.

  33. What a great giveaway! We too are on the quest for the perfect sippy cup for my little Cameron! I think his favorite color would be the blue!

    If I don't win, where can I buy one??

  34. Pink pink pink- no question.
    Love stainless sippys- but these are WAAAY cuter than the Klean Kanteens or Siggs!

  35. I love the pink one! My JennaBeth is 6 months old and her pediatrician has asked me to start letting her experiment with the sippy cup, so what a great way to start this new stage for her with a Safe Sippy 2! Thanks for the opportunity.

  36. That sippy is awesome! I'd. Love to win the pink one for my little girl! Thanks for the chance to win such great prizes!

  37. I would love to win one for my god daughter. She just broke her Dora one on the weekend at her birthday party 🙁
    Most likely she'd like the pink one, but I'm sure she'd take any one!

  38. Owh the sippy cup search is always a tough one. I had promised not to buy too many different kinds but have ended up with a few (4). My biggest issue is leakage and cleaning. Some are so difficult to clean it's ridiculous so I'm not too confident putting milk into hard to clean cups, just in case.

    Thanks for the chance to win. Green is my favourite seeing as it's become our unofficial family colour!!

  39. I think a pink sippy would be perfect for my 16 month old daughter! I haven't tried these but they look great! fingers crossed.

  40. I'm always in search of the perfect sippy, too!! I haven't tried stainless steel ones, but I like how this looks!

    I like the blue color! 🙂

  41. My son had a tough time adjusting to milk, whether it was in a sippy or in a bottle. He would throw it back at us… We were persistent though, and he eventually realized that milk would be his beverage if he was thirsty. At first he would hardly drink it, and it made me nervous – I was afraid of dehydration. His doc assured me he would be fine, that he would get used to the milk, and he did! All of a sudden he started chugging it, and now he can't get enough! He's 18 months old now and LOVES his milk. Just wanted to offer some encouragement – it will happen for Elias too!

    Those sippy cups sound great! My son would love the blue one 🙂

  42. With 2 little girls I would have to go with the Pink one. We are always on the hunt for good sippy cups and with the straw attachment it would be great for either girl.

  43. I like the Safe Starter on the Kid Basix website, because my one month old son is taking breast milk and formula from a bottle now and he refuses to drink it when it isn't really warm.

    I've used stainless steel travel mugs before, and they DO keep the temps hot/cold depending on what you need.

  44. The safe starter would be great for our baby due in November. I'm always looking up new products.

    andreaandtyler AT hotmail.com

  45. I follow your blog with google and I love the pink sippy!! Pregnant with my third girl, so my house is full of pink!!

  46. Oh my goodness I would love one of these. We too have tried every sippy on the market. These look brilliant. I would love the blue or turquoise one!

  47. I went to the site, and I really like the The Safe Starter Bottle. I am glad to see that they have a bottle version. Looks very eco-friendly.

  48. I need the blue sippy cup! Just today I got really frustrated with a leakin' cup!UGH!

    I am a follower too!

  49. Wow! I would choose the turquoise one for sure, but the orange would be my second choice.

    LOVE IT! Hope I win!

    Heather in Indiana

  50. I had problems when trying to get my daughter to drink milk out of her sippy cup, and her ped. asked me if I gave her juice in the cup (I did). She said to stop giving her the juice because she would prefer the sweet juice over the milk. It worked! Good luck

  51. I too am on the quest for the perfect sippy cup for my babe! Love the turquoise one!
    P.S. I met your husband last week on a flight from Baltimore to Pittsburgh, and he was nice as could be. Loved talking blogs with him. Made the world so small and the flight pass so quickly, which is always a blessing when you're flying with a little one!

  52. I have never seen these cups. I love them. With 4 kids and number 5 on the way I am always looking at different sippy cups. We need different cups for every age!! I love these.

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