1. Too fun. I would so love to be a part of your book club, but I don't have the book, and seriously if I ordered it right now I *might* have it in a month or two. Just the way of life out here in the boonies. So sad. 🙁 I look forward to reading your discussion of the book, though!

  2. junglewife – order the book! The first two chapters you can read online for free, so that would give you almost a month to get the physical copy. 🙂

  3. ROFL Thanks for the laugh! 🙂 I'm going to check out the book club site now. . . What was the name, oh yeah, BLOOM! 😉

  4. Probably one of the funniest internet videos I have seen in a while. I am still laughing! Angie's comment about her 'over achieving' moisturizer is still cracking me up! You guys are a hoot!!!

    BLOOM! Love it 🙂

  5. well now my daughter is going around saying, "Bloom, Do you love it?" at the top of her lungs so I guess it's a winner! You are the most fun ever, I love you!

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