1. I always have the tendency to think my to do list will take double or triple the actual time it will take. Then I stress out about it, and am always stunned when it doesn't take as long as I thought it would. Does that happen to you? I have some cleaning to do this weekend. My daughter is attending her first friends birthday party today, and then we are all getting together with our best friends tonight. Looking forward to worship at church tomorrow and a lazy afternoon watching football. {grin}

  2. I need to be doing your to do list today, but instead we are going to the pumpkin patch with our church group. It is always a fun trip, but I don't know about today. Cold and wet. Yuck. Have a good weekend!

  3. We just cleaned our basement/family room! Now, we can actually use it the way it's intended. But, I still want to do a little shopping so we can get a fireplace down here.

    Have a great weekend, girl!! Wish I could be there with ya!!

  4. We had a garage sale this morning, we are taking naps, hanging some things on the walls since we moved into this house 4 months ago and aren't done doing that. We are going to church tomorrow, do some shopping, and watching football my husband would say…lol!

  5. At least you are real, girl! I loved how you did this post following up yesterday's. I laughed out loud.
    Hope you are marching through that list and enjoying your weekend.
    ~Kristin Amato

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