1. AHH… I love how those special visitors bring us that extra motivation for the 'to-do' list! 🙂 Have a wonderful trip!!

  2. Yup, I know exactly where that is:) It's not too far from Cal's campus…my husband is getting his PhD at Cal. Have fun while you're here:)

  3. P.S. I would definitely take you to lunch or dinner while you're here, except that my parents AND grandparents arrive here on Tuesday. Maybe you have another friendly blog reader out here:)

    My husband and I grew up in WI (Waukesha/Pewaukee), and our daughter is only a couple weeks younger than Elias, so I always read your blog and think "We would be friends if we lived in the same place!":)

  4. That sounds nice and all but,

    1. How is your Mother feeling?


    2. How are your sister's wedding plans coming along?? Is there an awesome "27 dressed"" type gown you are wearing?????

    🙂 Enjoy your hotel sleep without Elias in the next room. The first time I slept in a hotel after #1, I woke up 3 or 4 times freaking out looking for my crying baby. 🙂

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