Family · Just Jessica · You
Last Weekend Before Christmas
I can’t believe it is the last weekend before Christmas! I have a lot to get accomplished. Here is my to do list:
- Stuff all 160+ Christmas cards with the Christmas letter that we finally finished and take them to the post office.
- Prepare, with Angie, 100 packages of Same Kind of Different As Me for the Bloom book club, to send to people who can’t afford a book. (I hope a lot of you are going to be joining in the book club!)
- Start preparing for our Christmas trip to Wisconsin (catch up on laundry, start packing, gather gifts, etc.)
- Go see the lights at Opryland – I have lived in Nashville for 5 years and have never done this
- Work on some blog posts so that I can take a blogging break during the holidays – I have several fun posts in mind, and awesome reviews and giveaways to share. Be sure to be reading during the holidays.
- Make another batch of peanut butter balls (I already have made four dozen!)
- Continue to work on my December Daily (I will post pictures this weekend. I LOVE the album so far. It has so much texture, several unifying elements and is just perfect). I think it is one of my favorite albums ever.
- Go to a friend’s Christmas party
What do you have going on this weekend?