Busy Sunday
Remember this post about our crazy life? Well, I’m trying to get a lot accomplished today, which is why the blog is suffering a bit. Here’s a quick update:
- My Denver trip went great. (I finished The Help and Sarah’s Key. I loved both. Great stories and great characterizations. I’m starting The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society next.)
- My fridge and pantry are full thanks to a major Target run.
- My tree and ornaments are put away.
- My living room has a new look – we did some rearranging of the furniture and I LOVE it.
- Matthew’s packing is going well. He has just about everything purchased that he will need in Africa – we think. A friend told us to get stickers for the kids, so I bought a bunch today at the Dollar Store. I am also going to whip together a mini album this week of family pictures for him to show the people he meets.
- The Southwest toddler video is almost edited- and I think parents will find it helpful. I should be able to finish it tonight.
- And Elias is almost asleep in his crib.
I think I should follow suit. Hope your weekend is going well.
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