Fever and Weekend Goals
I am running on less sleep than I was yesterday because Elias was up in the middle of the night with a 104.5 fever.
Poor baby.
We called our wonderful pediatrician in the middle night who assured us that as long as he was playing, alert, not lethargic, etc. we didn’t need to take him into the ER. She called us back within five minutes of calling her – and it was 1 am. We are so blessed by her and her practice. We were able to get the fever to break, but it was a long night.
As you can see from my Project Life picture for today, he was fever free this morning.
It started snowing in Nashville this morning and the whole city has shut down – including my office. I am supposed to be working, but Elias is clingy and making it hard to do. He just went down for a nap, so I am going to try to get some writing done for work now.
I am looking forward to the weekend, though I am going to have to work a lot. I have a big deadline Monday, am traveling Wednesday-Thursday and have Blissdom on Friday and Saturday, so I have a lot on my plate. It is all good though. I am grateful for a job that I love. Even so, I could really use some prayer that I use my time wisely, stay healthy and balanced. 🙂
These are things I am still planning to accomplish this weekend in-between writing marketing programs:
- Matthew and I are going to finish stripping our bathroom wallpaper. If you follow me on twitter, you know I started this horrible project while Matthew was in Africa. The paper is two layers thick and the first layer was attached directly on the un-primed drywall – it has been a nightmare.I think together we should be able to finish it in about an hour or two.
- I am going to get caught up on my Project Life album. I picked up my January photos today and love how they look in the album!
- Maybe make a Mixbook.com photo book using Matthew’s pictures from Africa. They are running a promo for one free photo book through Sunday. (click on the button in the sidebar!) Have you used them before? A friend referred them to me, but I haven’t tried them. I figure it’s worth a shot if it is free!
What’s going on in your world?