Celebrity Sighting
I just got to my hotel room after a long day of traveling and meetings. My colleague, Rosemary, and I left for the airport at 6:15 am this morning. It is 9 pm.
I’m exhausted.
However, our evening ended on a high note because look who was shooting a movie outside our restaurant window.
Yes, that would be Nicholas Cage.
I didn’t get a good photo, but another restaurant guest sent me this one from her iphone. People are so kind. 🙂
He was literally right on the other side of the window from me. He even shook a few hands and took pictures with some people who were outside, which I thought was really nice – especially since he was shooting a movie – cameras were in the street and everything.
Very fun.
I’m going to bed now.
My posting my be sporadic for the next few days because I am in New Orleans through tomorrow and then have Blissdom on Friday and Saturday. I am so excited about Blissdom – especially to meet so many of the (in)courage writers and see many blogging friends including Andrea and Erin. Be sure to keep up with me on Twitter!