Project Life Tuesday: Week Four

Excited to share another week of pictures with you. This weekend I got my January photos and had so much fun putting them in my album. I wanted to do a post to show you my album, but that will happen later this month, as I am really swamped at work and could barely get this post done today. 🙂
On with the photos!!
Sunday- Elias loves to play. He is so content playing with his Little People. I love watching him think and discover.
Monday- Elias loves bath time. Lately, he thinks it is hilarious lapping up the water and the bubbles! The more we tell him no, the more he does it. He’s so silly.
Tuesday- A little girl bit Elias at school because he had the toy she wanted. Poor boy. She left a pretty awful bruise on his face.
Wednesday- Tonight was our first community group of the new year. We are reading Forgotten God: Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit by Francis Chan.
Thursday- Elias loves, loves, loves to be read to right now. He brings us book after book after book. Matthew wants to hide the books sometimes. 🙂
Friday- Elias woke up bawling at 1 am with a 104.5 fever, which freaked Matthew and I out. We called our pediatrician, and she assured us he was okay. We got the fever to break, and he was still fever free in the morning. It ended up coming back a little later, but never got nearly as high.
Saturday- Nashville got four inches of snow Friday! I have never seen Nashville with so much snow. Because Elias was sick, we didn’t get to take him out in it, so the best shot I could get was of this birdhouse someone stuck in the snow outside our condo.
Can you believe we are one month into Project Life? January flew by! It’s not too late to get your kit. Just jump in. You will be so glad you did.
I look forward to stopping by your blogs and looking at your pictures. I don’t have the time to comment on each, but I try to click through on every link. Don’t forget to grab the Project Life button to put on your blog or post (the code is in the right hand side bar).