Magpie Scrapbooking Pages
It has been a while since I posted some scrapbooking layouts. Lately it is all I can do to keep up with Project Life – and I am behind on that.
Thankfully my new friend Tara asked me to be a part of her Magpie Kit Club design team, so I am “forced” to play with her awesome kits once a month and make some layouts.
I normally am not such a big kit fan, but I love her Tara’s kits have such a diversity of product – and stuff I would never fine on my own or think to put together. This month’s kit has some of the new Dear Lizzy line by American Crafts. It is adorable.
I might have squealed a bit when I opened the box. 🙂
Here’s what I came up from her April kit. I had fun using some “old” photos from 2009 and 2008. As always, you can click on the layouts to make them big.