World Vision Wednesday: Complacency
As I have “re-entered” American life, I have been struck by the way we live in a new and profound light.
We live in a condo that is small by American standards. It is 1,000 feet and has carpet, drywall and windows.
It would have been a mansion to the people I met in the DR.
We packed three large suitcases for the DR and Elias in Wisconsin.
Most people’s entire household’s belongings would have fit in those suitcases. For us, it was just a week’s worth of clothes.
I have a freezer full of meat and refrigerator full of fresh food.
I didn’t see many refrigerators, and those I saw were the size I had in my dorm room.
Do you see what I am getting at?
We are blessed with much to give.
Thousands of you read my posts last week. Few of you commented. Only a fraction of you took the leap to sponsor a child.
And I can’t help but ask myself why?
I know some of you sponsor kids, do other things to help the poor and/or are financially strapped.
But a lot of you could spare $35 a month to help a child like her.
I know what I am about to say is going to make some of you uncomfortable, but I am going to say it anyway. I know I need to feel a little uncomfortable sometimes for God to refine me.
I think the reason why some of you have not sponsored a child is because you are complacent. Child sponsorship is not something new. You have seen other bloggers go on similar trips with other organizations.
You have read stories of women like Maria before.
It’s not new.
So you just read and move on with your daily life.
I know I have done it before. I did it today. I read a moving story about an organization that is doing a lot of good.
I stopped after reading it and didn’t give immediately, despite feeling the stirring of the holy spirit.
And while I did go back and donate, the point is this:
God doesn’t want complacency.
He wants us to live a radical life of loving Him and loving people. Jesus talks over and over about serving the poor. He served the poor.
So if you have been reading this week and you haven’t sponsored a child yet, will you take that bold leap and do it? Don’t wait.
We have sponsored Juan for a little more than a month and his grandmother WEPT because of how much it already had impacted and meant to their family.
This is real.
These kids are real.
Their communities are real.
And you have the power to make a difference.
Sponsor a child with World Vision today, and then give thanks to God that you are able to do so. May He be given glory and honor through your generosity.
(And, yes, the Faith, Hope, Amor Lisa Leonard necklaces are still available – while on the trip she emailed us to say she would make more to fulfill the need!)