Project Life Tuesday: May 2-8

Welcome to Project Life Tuesday! If you are new to The Mom Creative, each Tuesday, I share my pictures from my Project Life album – a photo a day for all of 2010, and readers are invited to link to their blog posts that share their photos. My only requests are a) that you link back to The Mom Creative or post the Project Life Tuesday button on your blog/in your post and b) that you link your actual Project Life Tuesday post in the Linky Tools widget – not your blog homepage.
Sunday, May 2 – I haven’t gotten pre-DR pics uploaded to my hard drive. 🙂
Monday, May 3 – Because of the rains in the south, my Milwaukee to ATL flight was delayed. This caused me to miss my flight to the DR. I was on the phone for 30-45 minutes getting rebooked ATL to Miami to the DR. It was a LONG day.
Tuesday, May 4 – Today was our first day seeing World Vision in action. I was so impressed by all the entrepreneurial and community opportunities they offer – like this goat farm, run by many of the women in this picture.
Wednesday, May 5 – I was so touched to witness the nurturing and genuine commitment to serving these children, whose lives are all affected by HIV/AIDS. Some have parents who have the disease, while some are living with it themselves. Hope shined brightly in all of their eyes.
Thursday, May 6 – Matthew and I got to meet our sweet sponsor child – Juan! It was a moment I will never forget. I hardly speak any spanish, but we managed to communicate. He loved the soccer ball, coloring books, backpack and shirts I bought for him. We also met his grandmother, brother and cousins.
Friday, May 7- We had to go to the airport at noon on Friday. Before we left Santo Domingo, we stopped at the oldest church in the Western Hemisphere. It was beautiful and moving to be in a room that so many people have worshiped God in. We posed for a group photo before leaving.
Saturday, May 8 – Our family went out to dinner on Saturday to celebrate Mother’s Day. Elias had such a blast all week with my parents, sister and many extended family members. He was very spoiled – and loved!
Your turn!