Elias at 27 Months
Elias at 26.5 months at the Nashville Parthenon; photo by Kassi Emmanuel |
Elias has been so fun these days! I haven’t written a post about him and the things he is doing lately, so here’s a little update.
- He loves school. When we get in the car in the morning he says, “Mommy wok, Daddy wok, Lias school.” He especially loves music class, playing outside and painting.
- Every morning he watches a “show.” Current favorites are Toy Story, Toy Story 2, Nemo (“Nemo Fish”) and Sesame Street.
- He never wants to walk into school. Instead he says “carry you” – I guess because I always say, “do you want me to carry you?”
- He is stringing words together into small sentences.
- He loves books. We are starting to read books that are a longer than board books, which is fun.
- He loves his new table in the living room. He sits at it to eat, color and just play.
- He loves puppets and doing puppet shows in his puppet theater.
- He loves to race down the hallway with mommy and daddy.
- Bubbles and bike rides are his favorite outdoor activities.
- He loves balls, especially his soccer ball.
- He can identify about 75% of the alphabet and is learning to sing his ABCs. (Dr. Seuss’s ABCs and his LeapFrog ABC magnets are favorites right now.)
- He can count to 10.
- Puzzles are now a breeze. (He especially loves his Melissa and Doug animal puzzles.)
- The word “no” is becoming increasingly prevalent, which we are working hard to nip in the bud.
- He is working on sharing.Sometimes he will say “NO!” then realize that he should share and will say “here you go, mommy.”
- He has become a bit of a picky eater, but will never turn down cheese, fruit, eggs, toast or cereal. He would eat toast every meal of the day. He likes all jellies.
- He loves to run and then tumble to the floor. He thinks it is hilarious.
- He is a HUGE music lover. Check out this recent night of dancing/running/tumbling (and please excuse my crafting mess in the background.)
Our boy is loved very much.