Prepping for Blissdom
This month has flown by thanks to a ton of travel and lots of work on the Bloom (in)courage book club! I can’t believe that this week is Blissdom!
Blissdom is my favorite blogging conference because so many of my dear blogging friends are there. Some of the many friends I am looking forward to seeing:
- Nester – She makes me laugh and feel at home at the same time.
- Gussy– A fellow lover of all things hand-made
- Emily- The Pilots Wife– HOORAY! I think we might have been separated at birth.
- Nish– Love her spirit.
- Amber– We’re both preggo. 🙂
- Ari – Such a kindred soul.
- Robin– I kid that I hope I am as hot as she is when my kids are in high school. She makes me laugh.
- Dawn – Her photography is art.
- Lisa-Jo– My partner in crime these past few weeks with all the Bloom craziness!
- Tsh – She inspires me.
- Emily– Captivating – both her words and her spirit.
- Lisa– We are SO alike in so many ways. I love her.
- Jennifer – A girl who loves a bargain even more than me.
- The DaySpring team – I love every one of them.
In the past, I have gotten nervous about what to wear to blogging conferences, but since I am pregnant, I am just going with whatever fits. I will definitely be wearing my favorite Lisa Leonard jewelry and toting my new Gussy bag.
Last summer I ordered a huge batch of business cards for conferences, so I will be passing those out too. My favorite part is that they have my picture on the back. People always comment on them. It’s helpful because you meet SO many people at these conferences – you might not remember the blogs, but you remember the faces.
This year I am proud to speaking during a Wisdom Workshop on Wednesday. Matthew is coming on Wednesday to see my panel and go to a few others. I am so happy he will be there.
If you are going to Blissdom, be sure to come to the (in)courage beach house party! It was one of my favorite parts of the conference last year.
Hope to meet some of you there!