Project Life 2010: An Update
If you follow me on Twitter, you might have seen that this past weekend I ordered four months
September – December.
Yes, February 2011 is almost half-over.
I’m here to say that it is OKAY if you haven’t finished your 2010 album.
But, also to say, if you are like me and have 2010 photos that you haven’t developed for your Project Life album, you need to get those pictures developed.
You WILL regret it if you don’t.
This coming weekend, I am going to work on completing my 2010 album. Because photos like these need to be in that album.
All the journaling cards may not get finished, but I am okay with that.
These albums are such an important legacy. (To buy your Project Life kit, click here. It is the best $50 you will spend all year!)
I love this project!