Family · Motherhood · The Kids
We’re Ready for Adeline
This was a big weekend of getting ready for Adeline:
- Car seat is installed.
- Elias’s overnight bag is packed (he is staying with friends when we go to the hospital)
- Camera battery is charged
- Pack ‘n play is set up (where she will sleep for at least the first few months – or until we move!)
I also finally packed for the hospital. I decided to pack two bags – one for labor and one for post labor to keep things separate and easy. Here are a few things I included:
- Swimsuit top for the birthing tub
- A Hot Mama gown – They sent me one for my hospital stay and I am so excited to wear it. A lot better than those regular hospital gowns.
- New, yummy smelling body wash and lotion for me
- Cute pink sleepers and a couple coming home dresses (a girl needs options!), along with several headbands (shocking)
- A new pink blanket that my Mom bought for Adeline
- The little welcome book I made for people to sign when they meet Adeline for the first time
- Comfy socks and flip flops
- My pillow (I have been using a u-shaped body pillow
and I can’t wait to throw it in the trash. It has been a blessing for both pregnancies, but I am OVER it!)
- Medela pump
- A few magazines
- Video camera
- A gift for Elias
- Snacks and gum
oh boy, I’m praying for you, girl. I pray that you have a safe and successful and uneventful delivery. I pray that Adeline is healthy and fat and beautiful and that you can really enjoy every moment with her when she enters this glorious world. God designed birth and what a miraculous thing and although difficult a joy to be a part of 🙂 Looking forward to “Adeline is here” post!
sounds like you are ready! Just a question, why are you talking your medela pump? most hospitals have awesome medela ones they can bring into your room, and will give you a set of the attachments free. Maybe your hospital doesn’t? but would be one less bulky thing to take if you didn’t need to! Wishing you the best!
I prefer having my own things. 🙂
You are one amazing organized woman. Being one myself I am impressed at the detail. I’m been following your blog since I found you and Angie with the Book Club. Enjoying getting to know you both.
Praying for Adeline birth and your labor. Looking forward to hearing all about it.
Definitely take your breast pump. I worked in OB at our local hospital and while we did have breast pumps available during your stay, the bag of attachments was $100, and not necessarily covered by your insurance. Plus, it was Ameda brand (which isn’t that common) and not likely to work with whatever brand of pump you had at home.
Sounds like you are ready! 🙂 I wish you an easy labor and delivery. Love your idea of the book for guests to sign. I bought the baby version of Oh the Places You’ll Go (it’s a small hardcover book) and several Slick Writer pens and had all of the nurses and doctors we met through our entire experience sign it. It’s a fun keepsake for those folks and I found that they were all more than happy to sign it. Also, I’m sure it’s already packed but I didn’t see your camera on the list. Don’t forget that! 🙂 Can’t wait to hear the great news soon. Take care adn God Bless you!
Since I use my camera every day, I can’t pack it. We will grab it when it is time to go. 🙂
Good plan on the snacks! That’s the one thing I wish I’d packed with my first. I am not a picky eater at all, but the hospital food was nasty.
I’m intrigued by the pump thing. Is that a backup in case she doesn’t take well to the breast? My daughter did not, and it took us several days to see how bad a problem it was and to start pumping (which I ended up doing exclusively for a year). I’m surprised to hear so many people need to pump while still in the hospital. I guess maybe I should have!
Honestly, I don’t remember all the reasons why. I just remember that you are supposed to in case you aren’t able to nurse right away… I know I had it with me for Elias, but he was a champ with nursing. It will just stay in the car unless we need it. And yes, Matthew will likely be running to get me a lot of meals. I was not a fan of the hospital food. 🙂
I used the hospital pump, because my daughter couldn’t latch at all. I pumped and fed her that from a teeny tiny syringe (which of course I saved:).
It’s a good idea to have it just in case – many of my friends have had latch issues with their second even if they didn’t with their first, so you’ll be well prepared:)
What sort of book did you make for people to sign as they meet her? I am due with my first in August so I love fun ideas like this!
I’m so ready for Adeline, too. Counting the days to August 🙂
So excited to meet little bit. Praying for you and your family. You rock!
Oh, Gitz stole my line 😉 I’m ready for Adeline too! 🙂
How were the headstands? 🙂
Six kids: never had a bag packed. Ever.
See? I told you I need lessons from you.
I love you, friend…
Excited for you and your family as you wait for Adeline’s arrival…How did the procedure work today, Jessica? Has your sweet bundle moved any? Elias is going to be such a sweet big brother! Prayers and blessings in these last days 🙂
good luck! i will be praying for you and cant wait to see pics of your little girl!
My lifesaver in the hospital was my chapstick!! It is soooo dry in the hospital. All of the nurses were commenting on how clever it was.
Good Luck!!!