The Big Turn – Fingers Crossed
UPDATE: Adeline is STILL BREECH! I am going for 2 more Webster techniques and have a scheduled version for next Wednesday. If she has turned by then, they will induce. If she turns after the version, they will induce. If she doesn’t turn, they will do a csection. Please pray, pray, pray she turns! June 22 is the big day!
We go for an ultrasound at 10:30 today to see if Adeline has turned, or if she is still breech.
Monday I went to the chiropractor for the webster technique and we have been doing a lot of other “tricks” – cold peas on my stomach, flash light at my pelvis, etc.
Fingers crossed!
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praying for you friend.
Praying for her to turn and standing on my head all day for you!
Best Wishes.
Linda Miller
Sending out lots of well wishes and prayers. Here’s hoping that little Adeline can turn things around. Love that name BTW!
Came across your tweet. Sending prayers your way. God bless. You have a lovely family!
Well wishes … hope she’s turned!
🙁 saw on twitter that she didn’t. still praying she decides to do a little twisting before she decides to arrive.
Just saw that Adeline is schedule to be born on June 21. MY BIRTHDAY!! It is such a wonderful day to be born. It is the first day of Summer and the summer solstice. Sending happy thoughts your way and I can’t wait to share a birthday with your precious one! SN: We also share a birthday with Prince William.
lots of prayers are being sent your way for a great delivery no matter how she comes out…sweet birth of a baby girl!!
sorry to hear A isn’t cooperating! I have this blog bookmarked but rarely actually read it – today clicked over and sounds very familiar, thought you might like to take a peek!
thinking of you!
Oh how did it turn out? I am just now checking in.
Count me to the list of those praying for you,
God bless you
Out of curiosity… why not try a breech birth? Not saying you should do it or you’re a bad mum or anything, just wondering if it would be possible so as to avoid the ceasar you don’t want.