1. I have become so inspired by your memory keeping posts. I have a 7 month old son, and it wasn’t until he came along that I started thinking about how important it is to preserve memories for him to have when he’s older. Thank you so much for doing this!

  2. I’m on a personal mission to bring back handwriting! I can picture in my mind the varying nuances of all 4 of my grandparents’ handwriting….will my son be able to say the same? Sadly, I doubt it. But he’s going to know mine and my husbands!

  3. On the topic of handwriting, I heard a discussion on the radio yesterday with a teacher and a psychologist and both were speaking about how the actual process of learning to write is extremely important and helps develop brain pathways that are important in personality formation. Not to mention the ability to create one’s own unique signature, which will probably remain an identification marker even in the future. I thought it was an interesting conversation and I, honestly, felt relieved that I am living in a country where my children must learn cursive writing. I am sure that my writing says something about who I am (I always wanted that nice round “cutsey” writing style with little hearts to dot my i’s, but I just couldn’t do it – my writing is angular and I’m sure that a graphologist would be able to make something of it, but it looks like me – really)

  4. My son is 8 and learning cursive but I know that a lot of schools aren’t teaching it anymore and it’s sad. I’ve had several friends in the northeast say that they aren’t teaching it there. He’s fascinated by it, and I think it’s because it’s so uncommon now.

  5. I actually really wanted to do a digital baby book (because I am a control freak and I want all the things important to me in the book and not just the standard prompts and also because I know I wouldn’t get a paper scrapbook done for years and years otherwise. Digital is just easier for me to keep up with because I can work on it any time I have a minute without pulling out all my equipment. However, I agree with you on the handwriting – so I actually found a website where I could make my handwriting into a font and I am using that for my daughter’s baby book! I am really excited about it. It’s still in my writing, but in my neatest writing because I tend to get sloppy the more I write, and it’s digital. 🙂

  6. I love handwriting too. Of course I really don’t like my own handwriting but I do value it’s meaning to the people I am journaling for, so I never use the computer. I took a photo of a cheque my Grandfather sent me. It’s the last thing he wrote to me and I value that it has his proper signature on it.

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