1. That’s a neat book to facilitate the journaling. During my adolescence, I journaled like crazy, but those don’t include the basics of my life that my kids and grandkids would want to know.

    In 2010, my two remaining grandparents died just three months apart, and we were so sad that we didn’t have longer with my grandmother “by herself,” because my grandfather was always the talker, the dominant one, who told us stories of his life over and over again. After her death, though, we found that my grandmother had typed up a short autobiography (maybe 20 pages on a typewriter) and we are so glad to have those memories and that record from her life that she never got around to sharing verbally.

  2. I received this book as a wedding gift 10 years ago (and my husband got the one for fathers). While I don’t write in it every day, every few – okay, several! – months or so I pick it up and write a couple of entries. It was one of my favorite wedding gifts!

  3. Awww – what a neat gift to give your grandmother and what a bummer that she won’t write in it. :-/

    I love the idea of this – I don’t journal, but think this book of prompted questions would be great – I’ll have to look into getting it for myself. Thanks!

  4. I’m thinking this will be a great Christmas gift for my mom and mother-in-law. And maybe a little gift for myself as well! Thanks for sharing.

  5. My sister gave our grandmother a similar book one year for Christmas. Granny worked on it all year and then gave it back (completed) to my sister the next christmas.

    One night when it was my turn to sit with Granny during her last days, my sister gave me this journal to read, to help keep my awake. I laughed and cried as I read the words she had written in her tiny chicken-scratch handwriting. I learned so much about her…her hopes, dreams, failures and her love of family.

    This is a priceless gift.
    Find the time to write in one of these journals..your story will continue to be heard for generations to come.

  6. Several years ago, I gave journals like these to my mom and my mother-in-law. I know they have both started theirs but I have no idea how much progress they have made. Perhaps I should follow up! I think it is a great idea that you are doing one. I might have to try it too. I love the idea of following a prompt – brainless and simple to do in small snippets.

  7. Jessica – Google+Sparks just introduced me to your website and this 31 Days series — I’m looking forward to going back to the first 11 days. I’m a huge fan of capturing our family’s moments on paper and can’t agree more with your comments (here) endorsing writing prompts. Sometimes, a suggestion triggers a whole page of memories! I write a weekly prompt for Literary Mama readers (I call it For Your Journal) and can’t believe how often I’m smiling about my family’s antics.

  8. Love this! When we found out we were expecting our first child we gave a Grandparent book to my parents. A place for them to record little bits about themselves and memories they have created with our son. They haven’t filled any in yet, but now my Mum is retired I might need to give them a little push to write in it every now and then. I have always wanted this kind of memory from my own Grandparents, but much like yours it’s a little overwhelming for them.

  9. Jessica,
    Is the book you gave your grandmother the same one you show in your post, “Reflections of a Mother’s heart” or is it a different book??? Please share I’d love to get it!
    Thanks so much for your fun series on Memory Keeping, it is so inspirational!

    1. The book I bought my grandmother was MUCH bigger, but I got it on clearance at Barnes and Noble years ago. (it was exclusive to them and I don’t think it is made anymore)

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