1. I am SO excited. Thanks for sharing the DaySpring link. Just ordered the Nativity! I bought the Cross to the Cradle wreath last year and it is such a special part of our Christmas now. In fact we just lighted the candle with the boys this morning. I read the Christmas story in Luke to them:)

  2. We have a traditional advent wreath on our table, and every night at dinner, we’re lighting it as we pray and read the day’s devotion from the devotional booklet our church put together. We have a kids nativity Kate can play with too.

  3. We put up a Jesse Tree, where everyday we read a specific scripture that starts with the story of Jesse & outlines the lineage to the birth of Christ on Dec. 25.; there is a simple ornament to go with each reading (we made them last year). I keep each day’s reading in an interactive Advent calendar that also has a mini treat (candy cane, etc.) It’s lot of fun & my daughter (will be 7 next week) loves it!

  4. We love celebrating Advent! We have a few Advent calendars we open but by far the favorite is one I got a few years ago – its a magnetic one by Kurt Adler & it is so great (link here http://www.amazon.com/Kurt-Adler-Nativity-Calendar-Magnetic/dp/B0002TUVEO) was cheaper a few years ago but best $$ ever spent. The girls love to wake up & see what the next figure will be & we talk about the journey of Mary & Joseph. We also light our Advent wreath (well we started that on Sunday) and do crafts that are in a book we got a church. Our church has great Advent books & one we really like for my older girl is called “What Color is Christmas” and it goes through the journey starting with Adam & Eve, has simple bible passages so kids understand & then a seek & find for every day. My struggle will be finding time to do everything!

    Thanks for the nativity link – we do have the little people one which I add onto every year, & my mother in law got both of the girls their own for their rooms so they were excited to put them up already. I got the dayspring one for my newborn & I bet he’ll love it when he gets older.
    I hope everyone has a wonderful Advent!

    We have so many Advent resources I hope I find time to do all of them!

  5. I love Advent too. Our family has a couple of traditions that we all really look forward too; I’m excited to finally begin them again. One of them is reading a Christmas-themed story each evening. (I’ll be sharing the different books on my blog, if you’re looking for suggestions.)

    We have a special Advent calendar that has an ornament for each day that we hang on a mini tree with a verse we read that accompanies each one. We also have several Nativity sets, (some more child-friendly than others).

    We don’t put up our regular tree until the 15th, so for the first two weeks of December, all the reminders of Christmas in our house point specifically to the coming of Christ. Since we’ve been doing these things for the past few years, I feel like I carry Advent in my heart all year. I love reaching this month when I can share in these traditions with others.


  6. Wow, the timing of this post is amazing. I had a Little People nativity sitting in my shopping cart overnight at Family Christian’s web site. Right now it’s discounted to $23.99 ($39 reg.)… I was trying to decide the shipping to use. I LOVE this nativity even more. The expressions on the little faces are adorable — and LOVE the sheep!

    I’m so happy to follow your site and get to take advantage of discounts through your relationship with DaySpring. What an amazing blessing. I was SO tempted with the 30% off last week but didn’t order. Now I did today!

    thanks so much.

  7. I ordered the Advent wreath as well and LOVE it. The quality is amazing. I also purchased the book and I am so excited to start it. This year, for the first time, Hallmark is offering an Advent Nativity ornament. You turn the dial every day for another part of the story. It runs $30 but well worth it. My girls love it too. Thanks for the great ideas.

  8. I just ordered that children’s nativity set! Our baby isn’t even born yet (he/she is currently 4 days late!), but I couldn’t pass up that great deal so I got it early for next year! Thank you so much for working out that offer for your readers!

  9. My mom got my daughter the Fisher Price nativity set this year .,, she already has fun playing with it (she’s 2). I’ve looked at the Advent wreath that Anne’s family makes … I think I may ask for that for Christmas. Thanks for sharing the children’s nativity. I decided to order it to have as well. I love having the nativity sets that are children friendly. I’m still trying to figure out what to do for Advent with my daughter. I don’t think we’ll do something every night because unfortunately I won’t be home a couple of nights in the next couple of weeks. Thanks for all of the ideas. I can’t wait to try some of Amanda’s ideas from Truth in Tinsel.

  10. Its so good to know other people who think the same! We are using an Advent “House” this year instead of wreath. I am more excited about this year than I have been about Christmas in quite a while. And for the reasons of Christ – not gifts!

  11. As I’ve been putting together my advent plans for my daughter, I realized that I need to re-familiarize myself with the Christmas story! My daugher has been asking a lot of questions that I don’t know the answer to, since she started practices for the Christmas program at church! (She plays “Horse” and even has a line – she’s only 3 so we’ll see how that goes!)

    Anyway, here’s what we’re doing to countdown to Christmas.

  12. Im going to order the nativity set from Dayspring, however im not sure what code to use to get the special discount.
    thanks for always providing ideas. I have a 2.5 year old and i would like to start him on the right path and these are great ideas!

  13. I was just about to put a post on (in)courage asking about ideas for toddlers so thanks for this! My little one will just be turning two next month but I’m hoping to invest in these things for next year!

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