Adeline:: 5 Months
I can’t believe our little girl is 5 months old – and at about 17.5 lbs, she is not so little anymore. 🙂
Monthly sticker by Sticky Bellies
Sweet girl, you are wearing mostly nine month clothing and size three diapers.
You are the most easy-going baby and rarely fuss, unless you are hungry.
You light up whenever mommy, daddy or Elias are nearby and your toothy grin melts our hearts.You seem to have become especially fond of your daddy this month.
You are teething a good bit and like to suck on everything. Your drool usually results in several bib changes each day and if we forget a bib, your shirt is wet in about 30 minutes!
Your day care teachers adore her. Your have three feedings during the day – two bottles of mommy’s milk and one nursing session (I come visit on my lunch break!).
You had an ongoing cough for close to two months and after getting over two ear infections the cough persisted. Your smart pediatrician thought it could be reflux and with just a small bit of medicine each morning and night, you are doing remarkably better. You hardly spit up any more and are not waking up coughing in the middle of the night. You even are sleeping on your back at night, instead of at an angle in your swing or bouncy seat!
You love your Baby Einstein gym, your swing, Bouncer
, gym
, and sitting in your bumbo
. You rolled over this week! We don’t let you watch television and your brother is quick to say “you’re too little for television baby girl!!”
We love you baby girl!
So sweet Jessica, can’t wait to see her again…So many of us waiting to hold her over Christmas…you may not see her much !!! xoxoxo
What a precious post! So, so sweet! She is beautiful. Did you make her onesie? I have a 6 month old grandson and I would love to do one for him. I’ve missed 6 months but we make for that with my POTDs, he’s on almost every picture 🙂
Blessings to you!
No the onesie has a sticker on it from
Thanks Jessica :-))))
Yay! A family post! (deals are nice, but I like cute pics!)
We get to take our first pic with the Sticky Bellies tomorrow–Claire will be one month old!
Yes, the black friday deals were wild! 🙂
jessica that was beutiful.your little one is so adorable.i love her smile
Wow! 5 months already? She is too cute!
What a beautiful smile!
WOW, what a cutie! She looks like you!!