Headed to Publix and Blissdom

Since I am headed to Blissdom today, Matthew graciously offered to go to Publix and take advantage of this deal, which runs today through 2/29. It worked out great because we were on our last roll of paper towel, out of laundry detergent and almost out of dishwasher soap. I wrote ONE list for him and he was able to get the household items we needed + food – including the free chicken.
I am going to pull the chicken off the bone and freeze it to use in some soup next week. With me being at the conference, I have a feeling it will be pizza and macaroni for dinner – ha! 🙂
As a sale shopper, I was grateful that several of the items were on sale including $2.50 off on Charmin and Bounty, and close to $2.00 on Tide 50 oz (I think prices vary by region!).
Unfortunately, I hadn’t saved my January 29 P&G brandSAVER, but if I had, I could have stacked the coupons for Tide, Charmin, Pampers, Bounty, Iams, Pantene and Cascade on top of the in-store savings.
Sometimes I feel like grocery stores don’t have as good of deals as a store like Target, but that hasn’t been my experience with Publix. I love getting all my shopping done at one time.
Hooray for efficiency!
If you are going to Blissdom, be sure you say hello. Adeline will be with me Saturday morning. 🙂
Thank you to P&G for sponsoring my participation in this “One List Life” promotion. I was selected for this sponsorship by the Clever Girls Collective. All opinions expressed here are my own.
Hi I’m Heather! Please email me when you get a chance! HeatherVonsj(at)gmail(dot)com